They Do Not Know Their Right Hand from Their Left

I was watching two dead people. What I was actually doing was watching a movie. Though fairly recent, it was made long enough ago that things had changed drastically in the meantime in the real world. Two of the stars in that movie no longer were as they were. One was the child star of the movie, still famous today. I won’t give her name, but if I did, I am sure most of you would recognize it instantly. The other was the woman who played her mother–in real life, a sweet person who enjoyed life but whose life was unexpectedly ended in a freak accident.

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(A short discourse on Revelation 15:2).

Saint John saw in a vision this incredible scene: “I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass” (Rev. 15:2 KJV).

What are we to make of this fantastic vision? I was meditating on this one verse and its incredible scene, wondering what it meant and symbolized, and called on the Holy Spirit to reveal to me its meaning.

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El ayuno – clave para el poder

Se ha dicho con razón que la oración no es la preparación para la batalla – La oración es la batalla. Y de todas las cosas que podemos hacer para aumentar el poder y la orientación de la oración, el ayuno es sin duda el más potente.

Aquí es donde la potencia es menos, porque el ayuno nos pone en armonía con un dios todopoderoso que exige la humildad de aquellos que desean estar cerca de él. El ayuno humilla la carne. Cuando se hace con ese fin, le place al Espíritu de Dios.

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Smith Wigglesworth’s Vision of End-time Revival and Mass Awakening


This account comes from Lester Sumrall’s book – Pioneers of Faith. Sumrall relates how he met Smith Wigglesworth during the dark days of World War II and gives the following account:

“… Shutting his eyes again, he said, ‘I see the greatest revival in the history of mankind coming to Planet earth, maybe as never before. And I see every form of disease healed. I see whole hospitals emptied with no one there. Even the doctors are running down the streets shouting.’

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Salvation of Man

WE BELIEVE salvation is received through repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. This experience is also known as the new birth and is an instantaneous and complete operation of the Holy Spirit whereupon the believing sinner is regenerated, justified, and adopted into the family of God and becomes a new creation in Christ Jesus, (Titus 2;11; 3:5-7; 1 Peter 1:23; 1 John 5:1) and an heir of eternal life.


The central message of the gospel is, “How man can be saved”.

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Where can we find a revival?

A real Christian would naturally be very interested in revival and awakening. In recent years, certain streams have begun in the Body of Christ which have had considerable influence in a short time. One thing is clear, intelligence alone is no defense against deception – no matter who is right. My personal view is that we should major on majors, and minor on minors.

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Delivered from Mormon Deception

Michael, thank you for your insight on whether or not Christians can have demons. I appreciate that there are Christians who will take my experience at face value rather than wondering if I was truly a Christian when this devil entered me. I know there is great controversy on this subject among Christian scholars but for those of us who have experienced deliverance, there is no question as to whether or not a Christian can have a demon.

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