Effects of Preaching the Gospel

The doctors say that perfect eyesight is 20/20 – vision.
When I read Acts 20:20 one day it brought a vision that changed my life. From that day I have followed the 20/20 vision!

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Street preachers fined $2625 for handing out tracts in the Gold Coast, Australia

I just received this by email and thought I should publish it here on my site as I know these guys and have joined them on occasions both in Brisbane and on the Gold Coast.


Legal Fees

As you may be aware, the freedom of spreading the gospel of Christ, which can be enjoyed in most places in the world, has been severely impeded in recent months at the Gold Coast (Australia).

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Tsunami Warnings for Australia

I have become aware of numerous warnings of an impending tsunami disaster to affect Australia, especially the East Coast.

I do not have the time to post all the details about this right now, or present the full case for this.

In summary:

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Oil Spill Disaster – a Judgement from God?

From my safe perch in Brisbane, Australia I have been following the developments on the Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Its very sad to see what is happening. It would appear that BP is a company which has a track record of cutting corners in order to maximise short term profit, and this seems to be what has happened in this case. As a result, the Gulf of Mexico has been all but destroyed by vast plumes of crude oil, methane gas, hydrogen sulphide and other toxic chemicals bubbling to the surface.

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Revival in Yeppoon, Queensland, Australia

Revival in a small coastal town in Australia

The following article is an account of a revival that was reported in Outreach Magazine when Pastor Peter Earle, the Principal of the School of Ministries led a bible college team to Yeppoon. (Editor’s note: It is true that this story is now 10 years old. Still it is very encouraging and can inspire us to believe for God to do such great things again in Australia.)


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Prayer Pastoring by Ps Peter Earle

This book contains valuable wisdom from an experienced pastor associated with the Christian Outreach Centre movement in Australia who has been used by God to pioneer and pastor 5 or so churches over the last 34 years. You will learn principles of effective prayer for the people God has given you to pray for.

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