Prayer Pastoring – Chapter 2 – Grace

This is the second chapter of our eBook
on Prayer Pastoring. The first chapter dealt with step one praying
for mercy. We often have judgements against us that halt our prayers
for ourselves therefore we need God’s mercy. Without mercy our
prayers are hindered. We often mistake opposition as coming from
spiritual warfare but many times it is coming from God himself and we
are reaping what we have sown. This opposition is the judgement of
God. Chapter one explains this process.


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Grace to Forgive – Power to Heal

Which Way Lord – Chapter 16 – Dr Chandrakumar

Grace to Forgive – Power to Heal

And it came about one day when Jesus had come back to His own city Capernaum that He was teaching; and many were gathered together, so that there was no longer room, even near the door. There were some Pharisees and teachers of the law sitting there, who had come from every village of Galilee and Judea and from Jerusalem; and the power of the Lord was present to heal them.

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Thanksgiving for Answered Prayer from Psalm 119

Thank you Lord that you do not let me wander from Your commandments.
(Psalm 119:10)

Thank you Lord that you teach me Your statutes.
(Psalm 119:12)

Thank you Father God that you deal bountifully with me that I may live and keep Your word.
(Psalm 119:17)

Thank You Father God that You open my eyes, that I may see wonderful things from Your law.
(Psalm 119:18)

Thank You Father God that You do not hide Your commandments from me.
(Psalm 119:19)

Thank You Father God that You remove from me reproach and contempt as I keep Your testimonies.

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Objections to Divine Healing Answered

The failure of many to receive divine healing over the years have given rise to a whole slew of traditional explanations for why we should not really expect divine healing to happen today. These objections are answered in this article.

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Confessions of Psalm 119

God does not let me wander from his commandments. Ps 119.10

God teaches me His statutes. Ps 119.12

God deals bountifully with me that I may live and keep His word. Ps 119.17

God opens my eyes, that I may see wonderful things from His law. Ps 119.18

God does not hide His commandments from me. Ps 119.19

God removes from me reproach and contempt as I keep His testimonies. Ps 119.22

God revives me according to His word. Ps 119.25

God makes me understand the way of His precepts. Ps 119.27

God strengthens me according to His word.

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Self Denial Confessions

I desire to come after Jesus, and therefore I must deny myself, and take up my cross and follow Jesus. (Matthew 16:24)

I do not desire to save my own self-life.

I lose my soul-life for Jesus and will find it. (Matthew 16:25)

I am not ashamed of Jesus nor His Words. (Mark 8:38)

Jesus says, “Let Michael deny himself. [insert your name here]” (Luke 9:23)

I must take up my cross DAILY. (Luke 9:23)

I offer my body a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God. This is my reasonable service.

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Spiritual Growth

I continue to behold as in a mirror with unveiled face the glory of the Lord and am constantly being transformed into His very own image in ever-increasing splendour and from one degree of glory to another. 2Cor 3.18

God has shone in my heart the light for the illumination of the knowledge of the majesty and glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ, the Messiah. 2Cor 4.6

I always carry about in my body the dying of the Lord Jesus, so that the resurrection life of Jesus also may be shown forth by and in my body. 2Cor 4.10

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Renouncing Freemasonry


If you or someone you love is a descendant of a Mason, I recommend that you pray through the following prayers from your heart. Don’t be like the Masons -please read it
through first so you know what is involved. It is best to pray aloud with a Christian witness or counsellor present.

“Father God, creator of heaven and earth, I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ Your Son. I come as a sinner seeking forgiveness and cleansing from all sins
committed against You, and others made in Your image.

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