Steps in Being a Disciple of Jesus

This page is designed for Christians. It needs to be recognised that
we all need to grow in every one of the basic areas of Christian life.
The most important thing to the Lord is our heart attitude. Because the
Lord works on each of us individually, we need to follow His leading on
all things. Hopefully this page can be a tool in His hands though for some.

If you lack power in your Christian life, it could be due to a lack
of knowledge, or to a lack of obedience. The Baptism
in the Holy Spirit
is very important for a Christian, and you also
will need to know how to overcome Satan. You have to want to win as a Christian
– and for that reason you have to come to know God’s love and how important
eternal things really are. The Foundation Teaching I developed should be
helpful for many who have time to study more than superficially.

If you have not been baptised in water as
a believer you ought to be.

How Can You Become the Person God wants you to Be?

1. Recognise who God really is. The Nature and Character
of God.

2. Understand exactly WHAT God is really
looking for from you.

3. Understand WHY God is looking for these qualities in people.

4. Recognise your failure to be that person God desires you to be.

5. Come to the cross. Acknowledge your failure, accept the need for
change, accept the need for death to the old ways and a new life in Christ.

6. See yourself a new person in Christ, with Christ in you. Christ has
all the qualities God is looking for. Identify with Him.

7. Be willing to make God’s priorities and values your own i.e. discard
deception & idolatry.

8. Understand God’s promises and declarations concerning your sanctification.

9. Accept as true these promies and declarations. Speak out these promises
and declarations.

10. Consider what changes in lifestyle and what new habits God is leading
you into in order to fulfil His expressed will for your life. Count the
cost. Realise the likely consequences of not embracing the cross in these

11. Considering yourself dead to sin and alive to God, step out with
new actions based on your understanding of how God wants you to live now.

12. Once you have the victory, stay filled with the Spirit of God.

13. OCCUPY the territory gained. Keep applying the victory and find
out how you can live in this new realm.

14. Repeat this process for every area God shows you to deal with in
your heart and life as a Christian.

What is God looking for in you?

1. He is seeking for worshippers who worship Him in spirit and truth
(John 4:23,24).

2. He is looking for mercy above religious sacrifice.

3. He is looking for faith that works by love – confidence, sureness
about what He told you leading to appropriate corresponding actions, even
when you can’t see the proof. (Hebrews 11:1,6).

4. He’s looking for obedience from a loving, devoted heart. An obedience
that can even say ‘no’ to personal desires out of love for the Lord.

5. He’s looking for fruit – the fruit of the Spirit in your life and
the lives of those you influence and teach.

6. He’s looking for praise.

7. He’s looking for a humble person – a broken and contrite heart.


I invite you to build a faith community together with me. Join my social media channels and let’s connect, especially if you want freedom or fullness in Christ.

My Telegram has a ministry channel. On Tiktok I have many videos and new ones regularly.

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Michael FackerellHi my name is Michael Fackerell, founder of this site. It is created to help you know Jesus and get a great eternal reward from God Almighty. Learn More

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