The Spirit of Antichrist

The spirit of Antichrist is that which promotes another Lord and Savior instead of Jesus Christ of Nazareth – the true Christ or Messiah. So

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Identify your Enemy

by Paul Ross. A compulsion is anything that enslaves you, binding you to a repeatable pattern. Now today I want to talk about the nature of

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Churches that Cast Out Demons

Recently I asked on my facebook status, "When was the last time you saw a demon come out in a local church?" Answers came back: "Never", "1992", "23 years ago", "last year" and so on. Someone said that demons feel quite at home in the modern church today – no need to come out!

A lot of time church people (and leaders) carry on as if: 

"There are no demons in Australia [substitute your favourite sophisticated town, city or country]! You might find one in Africa though."

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Casting Out Demons – Some Lessons from Mark 1:21-28

Jesus is our example. A big part of his ministry was in casting out demons. When the presence of the Lord is manifesting strongly enough, the demons in people start to stir up. Demons often have better knowledge and theology than those who are listening to the message, as we see from this passgae.

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Lakeland Deception is Serious

Its sad to say folks, but nowadays many of the leaders in the charismatic movement can no longer be trusted. The love of money, influence, fame, power and zany spiritual experiences has, for many of them, overcome the love of truth, integrity – actually the love for the true God. Whether this expresses itself as endorsement for bizarre and unbiblical practices, support for America’s imperial wars of destruction and mayhem, or enthusiasm for Roman Catholic spirituality – the truth is that we are going to have to choose between following Jesus and following these leaders.

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