Books and References on Spiritual Warfare

Not everything relevant to the subject of deliverance and spiritual warfare is included on a site such as this. In my view some deliverance ministries are unbalanced and make extreme statements which are not totally true. The truth is extreme enough anyway without making universal statements with no clear foundation in Scripture. Anyway, here are the titles of some books and authors I can recommend on the subject of deliverance.

1. Christian, Set Yourself Free – by Graham Powell. As a full-time evangelist, Graham Powell did have quite some fruit for God even while he himself was tormented by demonic oppression. He talks about his own experience in this book, as well as giving a good summary of the relevant information Christians should understand in order to get free of demonic oppression.

2. Expelling Demons – by Derek Prince. A classic booklet by an outstanding pioneering teacher whose ministry has influenced many of today’s Christian leaders and evangelists for good.

3. Healing through Deliverance – Peter Horrobin. One of the main leaders in the Ellel ministries. That ministry has done a lot to help many in the Body of Christ come into a real freedom in Christ.

Spiritual Warfare

I distrust books full of extra-Scriptural revelations on this subject, especially where the authors themselves have little proven evangelistic fruit. Nevertheless, if you are called to be an intecessor you should learn what you can, but please avoid getting weird. The Scriptures give plenty of material on prayer. We should imitate those whose fruit can be demonstrated.

That None Should Perish – by Ed Silvoso. Excellent battle manual for revival. Solid Scriptural foundation.

Listen to Me, Satan! – by Carlos Annacondia. Written by perhaps one of the world’s greatest revivalists, this book is worth reading. Annacondia has proved that these concepts work.

Let me know of other books you’d like to recommend.

One visitor has recommened Free in Christ – by Pablo Botari. I understand this man is an associate of Carlos Annacondia, a pretty good reference in itself.

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