Spiritual Warfare and Breaking Curses

Neglecting this vital area will cost you more than you can possibly calculate, especially you or your immediate forefathers have been involved in any kind of idolatry or occultism.

There are erroneous ideas about spiritual warfare that lead people to shout at all kinds of fallen angels they imagine to be binding countries, even while they themselves are blinded and deafened to the voice of God in their own lives. It is not shouting at these things that gives us victory, but putting on Christ, living in Christ, submitting to Christ, and living a consistent life of obedient prayer that disarms the enemy. We don’t have authority to re-arrange the spiritual atmosphere just by speaking to it alone. Before attempting anything major in spiritual warfare, first check that you are doing the basics. And that includes walking in loving relationships with other Christians. If you can keep praying and keep obeying God’s revealed will, mighty things will happen even if you never talk to the a major principality or power once in your life. The focus in this website is on getting freedom yourself. Then you can fight the battle on behalf of others much more effectively.

Is a curse affecting your life? You may say, “Christ redeemed me from the curse of the law” (Galatians 3:13) – no curse can affect me!

However the Bible also says that Jesus “bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness – by whose stripes you were healed” (1 Peter 2:24).

Can you say on the basis of this Scripture that sin and sickness never affect you? But if they DO still affect you at times, then clearly we can see that some Scriptures describe the achievement of CHRIST for us which MUST BE RECEIVED AND APPLIED through faith, through repentance, through obedience to the Holy Spirit.

Even if you don’t believe in curses, they can still affect you. The purpose of this section of the website is to help YOU to break all curses off your life using the authority of Jesus’ name and by the power of Christ within.

Then your life will go differently and you will be able to enjoy the blessings of Abraham to the fullest – friendship with God, fruitfulness and prosperity. This is God’s desire for all his children, but God’s desires do not automatically come to pass, unless we do our part in breaking the devil’s legal rights to afflict us.

Learn more about Spiritual Warfare, Breaking Curses and Casting Out Demons Here.

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