Spinal Cord Healed


Please consider using the below testimony. I had the same accident as Christopher Reeve, but walked away. It can be found in more detail on www.healing-word-ministries.org as well as another testimony. Thank you and God Bless!

In Him,
Rev. Tina Barry

Miracle- . I climbed up on Poco and sat in the saddle. He took off at a fast trot and then began to buck. The next thing I knew I felt my backside come up off the saddle. In an instant the top of my head hit the ground. Everything went numb and silent, then black. When I came to I was unable to feel my arms. I began to call on the name of Jesus over and over. I gradually was able to move and then feeling began to return. I rolled over on my back and began to pray.

After a couple of minutes I dialed 911 on my cell phone. Alyse, my 11yr old daughter was with me and held Poco while we waited. It was about fifteen minutes and the ambulance arrived along with a local volunteer fire-fighter. That day prior to leaving the house I did two things differently. I prayed for protection and I picked up my cell phone. I believe that these two things made a considerable difference in the day’s outcome.

After several CT scans at two different hospitals it was determined that I had broken C1 and C2 . These are the first two vertebrae at the very top of your spine. My fractures were caused by a compression accident and my vertebrae should have shattered. They are the same ones that Christopher Reeve broke. His accident and mine were almost identical. We both went off the front of a horse and landed on our heads. I spent the next eight days in the hospital adjusting to life in a halo and managing pain. After the hospital I stayed in a nursing home for 4 more days before returning home. While at the hospital I heard the first of statistics about my injuries. One RN informed me that 99% of individuals with a C2 fracture are either dead or on a ventilator the rest of their lives. Another RN informed me that the EMTs have a saying “Break C2…you’re through.” This shook me up a bit. I later learned more exact statistics; 97% dead, 2% Christopher Reeve, 1% walk away. An MRI was done one week after the halo was removed. It was found that I had damage to my spinal cord.

This damage caused severe tingling, pain, numbness and cramping in my arms and legs. With the help and advice of those God placed in my path and the healing powers of God, I no longer have the majority of those symptoms.

At 5 months after my accident I had another MRI ordered by a different Dr. They did a comparison of the two. I was then told that all of the spinal cord damage that was visible on the first MRI could no longer be seen! PRAISE GOD! I was also told that I had minor brain damage due to my head hitting the ground. I was stammering, unable to recall names, and had short term memory loss. I was not willing to accept this either. I began to pray and less than a month later…….no more problems! God is GOOD! He has carried me through.

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