Song – We’ll not Stop Praying for you

Here is a song I wrote a couple of months ago. We’ve been singing it in our fellowship as a reminder to ourselves and a commitment to pray the Word of God for each other. This song I recently reuploaded after recording it in C major – a much better key for my range.

We’ll not Stop Praying for You

And we’ll not stop praying for you, stop praying for you
That you be filled with the knowledge of His will, with the knowledge of His will x2


Live for the Glory of Jesus, Be Filled with Power of God

And we’ll not stop praying for you, stop praying for you
That you may walk worthy of the Lord, worthy of the Lord

Chorus 2

Live for the glory of Jesus ,Be fully pleasing to Him, And bear fruit

And we’ll not stop praying for you, stop praying for you
That you be strengthened with the power of God, with the power of God

Chorus 1

And we’ll not stop praying for you, stop praying for you
That you increase in the knowledge of God, in the knowledge of God

Chorus 2







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