Son of Muslim priest has vision of Christ

My Name is Bilal, My father was a Muslim priest who taught students Quran all his life. I grew up memorizing the Quran and studying it under my father. When my father suddenly died I was 14 years old, I was chosen as his replacement to become the teacher of the holy book. As I was being prepared to take on my father’s job, I also attended college.There I met a student who befriended me.

After a few months he told me that he had something very important to share with me. He took out a small booklet called the 4 Spiritual Laws and started to read it to me. I argued that I was not sinful. The person just gave me a New Testament and asked me to read it. We kept talking for about a year. I began reading the New Testament just to be able to argue with my friend. I read bible for five years and one day I came across a verse which said, “There is no one righteous, not even one”. This verse troubled me greatly. People in my community respected me as a godly man who knew the Quran, but portions from the New Testament made me feel guilty.

One day as I was praying in the Mosque I struggled with guilt. I felt I was cheating myself. From that day I stopped teaching others and started a search for my own life. For the next two weeks I kept reading Eph 5:18 and John 3:16 and thinking about my life. One night at the end of this I was overcome with guilt and was weeping when I saw a man came and place his hand on my head and saying, “Your sins are forgiven”. He soon realized that it was Jesus himself who had appeared to him. He surrendered his life to Christ that night. 23 March 2007

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