Son Healed of Rare Anemia with No Known Cure – Through Fasting and Prayer

In May, 1974, my little son began having symptoms
that indicated he was not well in body. He had an un-
usually high temperature and lacked energy. Feeling
concern, I put him in the Kyanghee University
Hospital for diagnosis, but after an extensive examina-
tion the doctors could find nothing wrong. After I paid
the $500 bill, he was discharged from the hospital yet
the symptoms remained, so we began regular
treatments at an Oriental clinic. He seemed to have so
little strength so we gave him powdered antler and a
special juice medicine every day.

Some weeks later, his entire body began to swell and
his condition worsened. One month of wondering and
worrying passed, and we entered him in the famous
Seoul University Hospital. The diagnosis of the doc-
tors there was shocking. Our son had a rare type of
anemia for which there is no cure. The doctor said it
was a very unusual disease that only about one in a
million have. The hemoglobin quality in the blood is
one-third that of the normal person. It would grow
worse each day and eventually be terminal.
We were willing to do anything to try to cure him,
but even continual blood transfusions did not help.
Day after day he became progressively worse. After
two months, the doctor ordered us to take him home
and to come frequently for treatments. This meant
there was no hope and that he should die at home.
We brought him home, and I gave him the medicine
from the hospital nine times a day and three bowls of
boiled Chinese medicine three times a day. We also
made sure that he received all the nourishing food he
would eat. If I neglected to give him the medicines, his
strength deteriorated rapidly and he would almost die.
Guided by the Holy Spirit, a friend from my home
town advised me to depend upon God and invited me
to go with her to the prayer mountain. I hesitated to
answer her because I was not a Christian, and two days
before had undergone an exorcism from a spiritualist.
But as I continued to think about my friend’s words, I decided that it was our only hope.

A group of ladies from the church went with us to
the prayer mountain. I took my son and his medicines
with me. I arrived without faith and with a miserable
heart. However, following the advice of Rev. Ja Shil
Choi, we began to fast and pray. My son stopped tak-
ing the special food and medicines, and after three days
I saw there were no ill effects. My faith soared. I began
to feel the power of God and I put my trust in Him.
A month passed, and though my son’s swollen body
was not completely healed he was much better. As we
trusted God and followed the pastor’s instruction, my
son continued to recover. After two and a half months,
he looked healthy and I knew that God had completely
healed him.

When he was re-examined at the Seoul National
University Hospital his blood was normal. The nurses
who took care of him were surprised when they saw
him with a healthy body and recognized that God had
performed a miracle. Later, another boy from the
hospital went to the prayer mountain as a result of our
testimony and by the power of God his disease was
completely healed.

I have totally given my life to the Lord who saved
the life of our son. My eyes are often filled with tears of
joy and thanksgiving for salvation. I am so thankful
for the love of Jesus that granted me eternal life and
healed my son’s body. Hallelujah!

-Ho Yong Ye
88-20 Hawalgog Dong
Sangbuk Ku
Seoul, Korea

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