Im 36 years old now and have lived all over the world! Born in the United States i joined the US Air Force at 18. At one point i developed a lifestyle that was very foreign to me, i started partying and drinking heavily! Soon after the habit of casual sex came about. Pretty soon it was a weekly event if not almost daily to be with diff women. Then it came almost routine to have group sex ,3 somes, 4somes, and more! Then all the strange dreams started to occur! I was not brought up this way, i grew up with a somewhat strong christian faith an didnt grow up in a non christian house! All i want to say is ? if you take on this lifestyle you are going down a very bad road. I began to have difficulty sleeping an would be asleep an see eyes starring back at me! Then i could wake up an see shadows on the walls. Even being poked or smacked while im asleep! The worst situation was sex after sex with diff women! I saw the face of what seems to be a witch on my wall while i wake up from a horrifying dream! I can only see these things a couple of seconds after i wake up! Im dealing with this day to day! Im def trying to change my ways! I bought some powerful incense but that def is not enough you need to have faith an change your lifestyle! Frankinsence an myrr are very powerful an some of what i was seeing has been beaten back for a time but i have to get closer to God for a true victory! The only reason i want to post these comments are to help anyone else suffering with the same affliction to know that you are not the only one and it alot of people going through the same troubles! To anyone reading this i say God bless an keep up the fight !!!!!