Renunciation / Deliverance Prayer


Note: This prayer is quite comprehensive and designed to close as many doors to evil as possible. Agreeing with your heart with God and NOT WANTING these sins or evil things, or trusting in any imagined value they have to you is really important. God wants to free you from evil enemies. But make them YOUR enemies.

Once you have prayed this prayer, it may benefit you greatly to get someone with experience to command any evil spirits in your life to leave – according to Mark 11:23 and Mark 16:17.

*Warning, you may start manifesting while you pray this as it breaks all your agreements with the demonic and closes the doors that let them in. It is advises that you pray this with someone who knows their authority in Christ in case you start to manifest a demon. If you suddenly feel fear, anxiety, panic, pain or tired during this prayer, push through because it’s a spirit starting to manifest.*

God, we love you. We know you want us to be healed, whole and fully delivered with nothing in common with the enemy. I repent of any of my sins that opened doors to the enemy.

“In the name of Jesus, I renounce Satan and my involvement in the Kingdom of darkness. I revoke all claims and legal rights to every evil and unclean spirit to both to me and my blood line and I cleanse my bloodline with the blood of Jesus. I am a child of God and I have authority in Jesus name to cast out every evil and unclean spirit. I love and choose Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour and through his death and resurrection and by the power of His Holy Spirit I command you to release all your holds on my life. This is your eviction notice. I cancel every assignment of every evil, unclean and impure spirit set against me and I command them to leave me now.

I forgive every person whose hurt me or wronged me. I forgive my mother or father, husband or wife, brother or sister, and all my x-partners and all the “I owe you’s” that I hold against people for not fulfilling their requirements to me, not loving me, rejecting me or abandoning me. Today I tare up every “I owe you” and I believe that Jesus Christ will tare up every “I owe you” that he has against me which is far more.

I release anger, rage, and bitterness and I give Jesus all my resentment and unforgiveness to Jesus. I also forgive myself for falling short of my roles as a mother or father, brother or sister, child or leader, and as a servant of Christ.

I repent of all shame, guilt, or condemnation I carry, because God’s word says “there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ”. Jesus was condemned in my place and he took the full wrath of God for me so that I wouldn’t have to. I renounce the lie that I am a mistake. I renounce the lie that I am unworthy and unloved when the blood of Jesus makes me worthy and Jesus does love me. I renounce the performance spirit and trying to earn God’s love when he loved me first.

I break every agreement to fear, anxiety and panic. I repent of going into fear, stress and worry when the word of God tells me “do not fear” and “be anxious for nothing”. God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. Tonight I choose to have stress and worry for nothing. Spirit of fear and anxiety leave me now.

Spirit of doubt and unbelief, I break your strongholds on my life with the power of the blood of Jesus. I repent of every time I have doubted God’s word or power. I repent of all stubbornness and I command every blocking spirit, religious spirit and legalism to leave to me now.

I repent of all sexual sin. I repent of lust and perversion, books I’ve read, websites and videos I’ve watched and actions done in the spirit of lust and perversion. I renounce incest, homosexuality, ➢ 42 lesbianism, masturbation and fornication. I renounce the predator spirit, bestiality, and adultery. I repent of seduction, seducing, molestation and flirting inappropriately. I command every seducing spirit to leave me now.

I repent of anger, rage, and murder that I’ve done and on behalf of my ancestors. I renounce the spirit of war, destruction, violence and chaos. I repent of swearing and blaspheming and using God’s name in vain.

I renounce the occult and all involvement in the occult done by my ancestors. I repent of all ignorance, curiosity, foolishness or willfulness done through contacts with the occult. I renounce and repent of all contacts with Satan, Satanism, black magic and demon worship. I repent and renounce all witchcraft, white magic, black magic, voodoo, black mass, ouiji boards and any other occult games. I repent of my involvement in the new age and all new age practices.

I repent of rebellion, sorcery, and divination I’ve done or done by my ancestors going all the way back to Adam and Eve. I repent of fortune-telling or seeing a fortune-teller. I renounce all forms of fortunetelling including the crystal ball, tea leaf reading, tarot cards, crystal healing, palm reading, or pendulum swinging. I repent of any involvement in summoning demons. I renounce every spirit guide and spirit counselor. I repent of all water-witching, levitation, and table tipping. I renounce all witchcraft, curses, magic or hypnosis done on me willingly or unwillingly.

I repent of all dependency on birth signs, birth stones, and horoscopes. I repent of reading star signs and astro-projecting. I renounce the heresy of reincarnation and all “healing” groups involved in metaphysics and spiritualism. I renounce every psychic and familiar spirit. I renounce all transcending meditation including yoga, zen, and all false religious practices.

I renounce every curse, hex, or oaths made to any demons. I repent of every sexual and blood ritual and ceremony made to any demons or the Devil. I repent of any drinking of blood or human sacrificing. I repent on behalf of my ancestors for human sacrificing, abortion, rape or murder. I renounce the Moloch spirit and I repent of every abortions done by my ancestors and I repent of any of these sins I have committed myself.

I renounce suicide and death. I repent of every time I have thought of or attempted suicide. Instead I choose life because Jesus came to bring me life. I repent of self-hatred and self-destruction. I renounce bulimia, anorexia and gluttony, binging and purging, and repent of cutting myself or self harming in any way. My body is a temple of the Holy Spirit and I will honor God with my body.

I renounce all sickness, disease and infirmity. It is not my portion. Deliverance is the “children’s bread” and healing is my portion. I repent of all my addictions and finding comfort in anything other than the Comforter, who is the Holy Spirit. I repent of gluttony and any kind of food addiction. I repent of alcohol and drug abuse. I repent of any addiction or unnatural obsession to anything and I command the spirits of addiction to leave me now.

I repent on behalf of my ancestors and myself for worshiping false god’s and all involvement of idol worship. I renounce and cancel every oath and covenant made to false religions or evil spirits with the blood of Jesus. Today I make a new contract with Jesus Christ through the blood of Jesus that was shed for me. I renounce freemasonry, the noose around the neck, and baptisms into the coffin.

I repent of all jealously, envy and covetousness. I repent of all bitterness, impatience, and revenge. I repent of all strife, retaliation, stubbornness, drama-seeking or causing drama.

I repent of all pride, self-exaltation, vanity and my ego. I repent of self-seeking and looking for validation through men or woman and posting seductive photos of me on social media. I repent of excessive admiration and attention. I repent of hypocrisy and worldliness and I renounce the spirit of this world.

I repent of all apathy, laziness and omission. I repent of all entitlement and lukewarmness. I renounce the sloth and behemoth spirit. I renounce the gypsy spirit and repent of lying, stealing, and giving false testimony against my neighbor.

I renounce all heaviness and I choose to replace a spirit heaviness with a garment of praise. I repent of my insecurity when I am secure in Christ. I renounce depression and hopelessness because Jesus is my hope and always will be my hope. I renounce fatigue, and brain fog. I renounce despair, grief, sorrow and sadness. I renounce the spirit of isolation and rejection. I am not rejected, I have been accepted by Jesus, God, and his family. I renounce the orphan spirit. I am not an orphan, but I have been adopted into Christ’s family by the spirit of adoption.

I renounce Jezebel, Lilith, Delilah, Cleopatra and all their demonic traits. I repent of all control and manipulation, slander and gossip, accusation and murder. I renounce the seducing spirits. I repent of being defensive to the truth and I choose to follow Jesus who is the truth, the way and life.

I renounce the deaf, dumb, and stupor spirit and I renounce and repent of saying or thinking I am dumb or stupid, fat or ugly. I am made in the image of God and created exactly how he wanted me to be. I rebuke the mute and silencing spirit and I will preach the gospel freely. I renounce the timidity spirit and repent of all the times I didn’t share the gospel out of fear and I repent of fear of man. I rebuke any blocking spirits coming against my calling, ministry, hearing God’s voice or reading and understanding my bible. I renounce the spirit of confusion, deception, leviathan and every deceiving and twisting spirit and I command them to leave me now.

I renounce a spirit of Satan, Lucifer, Evil, Baphomet and Baal. I renounce the Anti-christ spirit, Apollyon, Abaddon and Legion and command these spirits to leave me now.

I renounce the poverty spirit and repent of greed, mammon and all forms of stinginess, when I know God is my provider. I renounce the victim spirit. I renounce a spirit of terror, nightmares and insomnia. I renounce incubus and succubus and divorce the spirit spouse.

I repent of Yoga and worshiping false Hindu gods. I renounce every Asian spirit, Buddist spirit, African spirit, Greek gods, Inca and Aztec gods, Viking and Egyptian gods. They are not gods, they are just demons. I repent of Druidism done by my ancestors. I renounce superstition and luck and renounce the spirit of luck.

I repent and renounce all vain imaginations and excessive daydreaming. I repent of violent and witchcraft videos games and the labyrinth spirit. I reject false tongues, false healing, false fire, false discernment, false holy spirit, false Jesus and false teaching. I want the real experience of the real Holy Spirit and not the counterfeit. I want and choose to be holy and pure from this day forward in every area of my life and within every room of my soul. I command every mentioned and unmentioned evil and unclean spirit to leave me now in the name of Jesus Christ. I have authority over you in the name of Yeshua and I command you to submit to the name of Jesus and come out now. I close every door to the enemy and I forbid every evil and unclean spirit to return.”

<Now use your faith to push out demons – ideally find someone who can use their faith to help you also>

This prayer was compiled by Matthew Morton. If you find it helpful in obtaining your deliverance please consider helping Matthew in his evangelistic ministry.

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