Release the Captives

Release the Captives (Lifeboats 2)

The following Revelation was received by Paul Davies on 31st Oct, 2010. As with all prophetic words, these must be weighed and tested with a spirit of humility and repentance. Where Bible passages are referred to, the interpretations given are not intended to be seen as the interpretation of the passage, but as God speaking to his people’s current situation by giving an interpretation.

An open letter to all Pastors and Leaders in His Church,

Some years ago, the Lord gave me a Word about the status of His church and our preparedness for the coming Harvest. Titled: “There are not enough Lifeboats” (, it compared the Hubris of man revealed in the sinking of the Titanic to the current behaviour of the Western Church.

This morning, He showed me something else.

Jesus came “To set the Captives free”, yet many Christians are still captives – to philosophical doctrines, to unbiblical belief systems, and to church structures that do not encourage them to hear God for themselves and have the freedom to obey what they hear. Indeed, many of we leaders ourselves do not hear clearly, and often do “what was right in (our) own eyes” claiming that God put it on our hearts.

The many failures in recent years attest to our poor record and lack of integrity. Even those experiencing a measure of worldly blessing are still not seeing the miracles Jesus did, and the obvious manifest credentials of the Lord in their work. To most Christians and even pastors, Man’s credentials are more important.

The Lord showed me that the mainstream Christians have been “locked below decks”, in much the same way as the Titanic’s officers locked away the “lower classes” to allow the more important people access to the lifeboats. We have seen pastors not just given the honour that is due, but elevated above others, in an ungodly manner so that even the unsaved are disgusted. The common people are left dependent, not on the Lord, but on the men “above” them.

Time is very short for us to repent, and to allow God to change our hearts and our practices so that more may be saved. The Church as we have known it is about to “sink” catastrophically and publicly, and all that has not been built by the Lord will be cast adrift.

If you are unaware of the “Billion-Soul Harvest”, which Jesus prophesied in 1975 to Bob Jones, please download and listen to “The Postman’s Letter” (, and prayerfully consider the implications of getting this wrong.

Recently, and man with a proven track record of warning of judgments, Dr Owuor, was shown an earthquake and Tidal Wave coming on Australia ( if we (His people, who are called by His name) do not repent. I implore you to read and carefully pray through this warning, asking the Lord to reveal any inkling of sin or hardness of heart. Rick Joyner had a similar warning back in the ‘90s, called “War and Glory” (

We must repent of trying to “own” His people, teach them to hear His voice for themselves, and pastor them through their baby steps and mistakes. The clock is now ticking, if we do not respond swiftly, we will lose many of those the Lord would have saved, simply because we are not ready for the huge volume of people He is about to sweep into the church.

I saw the Next Wave in 1995, in a series of visions over 2 weeks. It dwarfed the tallest skyscrapers, and is coming to the whole nation. Whether what I saw and what Dr Owur saw are the same is immaterial. The only correct response to such a word is to seek His face in humility and repentance, because if we get it wrong, the consequences are souls lost to the Kingdom for eternity.

Please prayerfully consider the above. Take the time to get in the prayer closet and hear Him on these issues. If He confirms even the smallest amount, be swift to repent and obey. God recently told Bob Jones the first Wave of the Harvest begins in this Jewish year.

Please pass this on to other leaders for their consideration and prayer. Yours in Christ,

Paul Davies

Email: [email protected]

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