Confessions of Psalm 119

God does not let me wander from his commandments. Ps 119.10

God teaches me His statutes. Ps 119.12

God deals bountifully with me that I may live and keep His word. Ps 119.17

God opens my eyes, that I may see wonderful things from His law. Ps 119.18

God does not hide His commandments from me. Ps 119.19

God removes from me reproach and contempt as I keep His testimonies. Ps 119.22

God revives me according to His word. Ps 119.25

God makes me understand the way of His precepts. Ps 119.27

God strengthens me according to His word. Ps 119.28

God removes from me the way of lying, and grants me His law graciously. Ps 119.29

The LORD does not put me to shame. Ps 119.31

God shall enlarge my heart. Ps 119.32

The LORD teaches me the way of His statutes, and I shall keep it to the end. Ps 119.33

God gives me understanding, and I shall keep his law. Indeed, I shall observe it with my whole heart. Ps 119.34

God makes me walk in the path of His commandments, for I delight in it. Ps 119.35

God inclines my heart to His testimonies, and not to covetousness. Ps 119.36

God turns away my eyes from looking at worthless things, and revives me in His way. Ps 119.37

God establishes His word to me, for I am devoted to fearing Him. Ps 119.38

God turns away my reproach, for His judgments are good. Ps 119.39

God revives me in His righteousness. Ps 119.40

God lets His mercies come also to me – His salvation according to His Word. Ps 119.41

God does not take the word of truth utterly out of my mouth, for I have hoped in His ordinances. Ps 119.43

God remembers His word to me, upon which He has caused me to hope. Ps 119.49

God’s word has given me life. Ps 119.50

God is merciful to me according to His word. Ps 119.58

God has dealt well with me according to His word. Ps 119.65

God teaches me good judgment and knowledge, for I believe His commandments. Ps 119.66

God is good and does good, and teaches me His statutes. Ps 119.68

God’s hands have made me and fashioned me; he gives me understanding, that I may learn his commandments. Ps 119.73

God’s merciful kindness is for my comfort, according to His word to me. Ps 119.76

God’s tender mercies come to me, that I may live, for God’s law is my delight. Ps 119.77

God lets the proud be ashamed, for they treated me wrongfully with falsehood. Ps 119.78

God helps me in persecutions. Ps 119.86

God revives me according to his lovingkindness, so that I may keep the testimony of his mouth. Ps 119.88

I am God’s and He saves me. Ps 119.94

God, through His commandments, makes me wiser than my enemies; for they are ever with me. Ps 119.98

God accepts the free-will offerings of my mouth, and teaches me His judgments. Ps 119.108

God upholds me according to his word, that I may live. And God does not let me be ashamed of my hope. Ps 119.116

God holds me up, and I shall be safe, and I shall observe his statutes continually. Ps 119.117

God does not leave me to my oppressors as I have done justice and righteousness. Ps 119.121

God is surety for me for good and does not let the proud oppress me. Ps 119.122

God deals with me according to His mercy, and teaches me His statutes. Ps 119.124

God gives me understanding, that I may know His testimonies. Ps 119.125

God looks upon me and is merciful to me. This is God’s custom towards those who love His name. Ps 119.132

God directs my steps by His word, and lets no iniquity have dominion over me. Ps 119.133

God redeems me from the oppression of man, that I may keep His precepts. Ps 119.134

God makes His face shine upon me and teaches me His statutes. Ps 119.135

God gives me understanding, and I shall live. Ps 119.144

God hears me when I cry out with my whole heart. Ps 119.145

God saves me, and I will keep His testimonies. Ps 119.146

God hears my voice according to His loving-kindness and revives me according to His justice. Ps 119.149

God considers my affliction and delivers me, for I do not forget his law. Ps 119.153

God pleads my cause and redeems me; and revives me according to His Word. Ps 119.143

The LORD revives me according to His judgments. Ps 119.156

The LORD considers how I love His precepts and revives me according to His loving-kindness. Ps 119.159

My cry comes before the LORD and He gives me understanding according to His Word. Ps 119.169

God lets my supplications come before Him. He delivers me according to His Word. Ps 119.170

God’s hand becomes my help, for I have chosen his precepts. Ps 119.173

God lets my soul live and it shall praise Him, and God lets His judgments help me. Ps 119.175

God seeks me, for I do not forget His commandments. Ps 119.176

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