Preface to Korean Miracles by Dr Ja Shil Choi

Throughout church history many people have
experienced miraculous power through fasting and
prayer. Today, Christians who come before God in
fasting and prayer may find the same power others
have known in the past.

I thank God for the opportunity to proclaim His
living Word and to be a small part of His great program. I am humbly grateful for the moving of His
Spirit. As I share my experiences of the great power of God available through fasting and prayer, I desire that others may know joy and power as they kneel before the Master.

Many Christians have come to me seeking help and
instruction, but I have found few books to recommend
on the ministry of fasting and prayer. I trust the Holy Spirit will use this book as a source of inspiration to Christians everywhere.

I have written this book with the desire that it will
provide instruction and inspiration to my brothers and
sisters who yearn to experience greater blessings of
God through the Holy Spirit. I want to share testimonies of blessings that have come through fasting and prayer. May God ignite faith in your heart as we give Him glory and ha nor for the great things He is doing around the world.

This is a generation of change and revolution. Phenomenal advancements are being made in the fields of culture, science, and medicine. Developments beyond
the scope of our imaginations have-made men’s lives
very comfortable. Yet, people are affected by materialism, and their lives have become devoid of meaning and purpose. While medicine was developed to be our servant, we have become its slaves.

As a result, a generation of unbelievers has rejected
faith in God. Millions have turned to the god of
materialism, and their sins are multiplied daily. Many
have rejected the existence of God, and others have
gone so far as to say that God is dead. They deny the
miracles of Jesus Christ recorded in the New Testament as well as those of the present day. This force of rejecting God has brought about distrust among people, and hearts are heavy with the deep burdens of sin. In living for themselves, their stomachs have become their god, and the fulfilling of their own selfish desires and ambitions has become their purpose for living. The desire for money is supreme, and the
obtaining of power is righteousness.

The Hippy movement in America and Europe was a
result of nihilism. Many young people longed for a
sense of direction, but the emptiness in their hearts
produced a life without meaning. This philosophy of
life has spread like a fever and infected the hearts of youth around the world.

However, contrary to this is the moving of the Holy
Spirit throughout the world. By faith you can see the
great power of the Holy Spirit working through you.
This amazing spiritual power also has spread all over
the globe, awakening a spiritual desire in the hearts of men. As in the days of Ezekiel, the valley of dry bones is being revived by the Spirit of God.

Throughout Korea hearts bound by pain, suffering,
frustration, and anxiety of the future have been given
hope, purpose, and meaning through the working of
the Holy Spiriro’By the power of God people have
experienced the healing of deep gloom, despair, and
frustrations of life through fasting and prayer. We can receive power to cope with life and obtain working
faith through communion with God.

I express my sincere appreciation to Pastor Yonggi
Cho and Pastor Yang, the ministerial staff of the Full
Gospel Central Church, and the many other friends
whose help and encouragement have made this book
possible. Also, I am sincerely grateful to Rev. and Mrs. Robert Malone who have helped me in the publishing of this book in English.

-Ja Shil Choi

Seoul, Korea

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