Prayer To Remove Sex Demon Possession

As you can imagine, sex demons are the most common among people. And yes, even Christians can have demon possession. Since sexual sin is so prevalent, this is the reason sex demons are most common.

Prayer To Remove Sex Demon

Although not mentioned in the Bible as a sin, masturbation IS an opening to sex demons so it is strongly advised NOT to do so. Especially if you are having regular evil attacks. 

This spiritual warfare prayer will cast the demon out of your life if you are being attacked by it.

Yes, the demons can attack you in your sleep and try to get you to masturbate, orgasm, or even have sex with you. If this prayer does not work immediately, then it is suggested you examine your life, repent, and seek further assistance.

But remember, NO demons will leave you unless you are in a state of righteousness and forgiveness with God. If you are in a state of sexual sin, lust, or anykind of fornication, porn watching, or masturbation, this prayer will be ineffective. 

With slight changes this prayer can be altered and applied to any demon you feel is attacking you.

This should be spoken aloud and it is advised to repeat the parts where you are telling it to leave and for the Holy Spirit Fire to burn the openings until you feel changes. You may even hear screaming. If so, this is very good because the demons HATE the name of Jesus! Praise God!


Father in the name of Jesus Christ forgive me for not resisting temptation. Father forgive me for getting pleasure from this sin. Forgive me for everything that is unforgiven now. I am so sorry God. Father close those doorways and break all legal grounds that demons and spirits are using to harm me. I take authority now over all forces of evil and sexual demons harming me now and I destroy your connections to my mind, subconscious, emotions, sexual organs, dreams, past, memories, past sins, desires, eyes, will in my stomach and I destroy your connection to my want and sastisfaction and desire for pleasures now in the name of Jesus. I cast out now all demons of incubus, succubus, Eldora, mare, demons of masturbation and I demand you to leave me now in the name of Jesus. I break now all evil connections attaching to all parts of me and I command you to leave me now and go to the pit in the name of Jesus you are powerless and harmless against me. Your assignment is broken cancelled and destroyed in the name of Jesus Christ who died for my sins. Father please destroy all evil links to me now I have not named. Lord please unhook and remove all remaining demonic attachments to me now in the name of Jesus Christ. Father God take the holy spirit fire and burn all evil impressions, connections, implantations, and residues the evil has left behind and remove them from me now God. God please remove all evil connections to visions, memories, images, pleasures, past experiences things I have seen or thought and burn it all now in Jesus’s name, burn in Jesus’s name, burn in Jesus’s name. Leave me now leave all parts of me go out now in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Lord burn now all evil openings connections, ties, and chords thru which this evil is coming now in the name of Jesus. Burn in Jesus’s name, Burn in Jesus’s name, Burn in Jesus’s name.


Now recite a Bible verse-make it different each time you cast out a demon. Then sing a song to Jesus and thank God for the victory.






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