Hi fellow Christians, My name is Lenin I Just wanna share few words with you guys i had been working herein Dubai for the last 5 years, God has given me wonderful opportunities to build up my job career but i couldn’t get success in that because of ignorance when my life’s going on smoothly, i forgot our lord Jesus so that, God punished me by losing my job. Now i’m in trouble as i lost my job now i realized that what wrong i have done in my life. hence, i request you to advice me to how to reach/ interact with God and my dear friends i request all of you to pray for me to get out of my problems really im in trouble now just worrying about my children and their education to continue in this country . please i beg all of you guys to advice / pray for me if i do fasting and prayer to God who can help me out i believe in Lord Jesus Christ.
with warm regards,