Prayer Can Everything - Power in Jesus' name

I’m asking for just three minutes of your valuable time to give you a vital message.
Look around and look at the news. Our world is broken. Anxiety, fear, depression, and broken relationships are everywhere. Sickness is costing us, hurting us, and sometimes ends in death. Many people are enslaved by desires they don’t like and can’t control. Greed and pride are ruining relationships and society.
But God, the Creator, didn’t make the world broken. Evidence of God’s good design is all around us: a beautiful baby, a sunset, the earth’s perfect position for life, and the intricacy of genetic code. God made the world with love, but love requires a free-will choice. Our forefathers made choices that opened the door to deceptive dark angels, who even today manipulate the world system and cause pain.
People don’t like brokenness and try to escape it with things like:
– Education
– Money / Success
– Pleasure
– Religion / Ethical systems
– Escapes like drugs, porn, and more
But the problem is that all these things still leave us in brokenness.
Recognizing that we could not fix ourselves, God took action.
God sent His Son, Jesus of Nazareth, into the world, born of the Virgin Mary. This Jesus (who is attested to in hostile Roman and Jewish accounts, as well as by eyewitness disciples in the Bible) did something powerful to rescue us.
Jesus Himself became a blood sacrifice when He died on the cross. This sacrifice freed us from the grip of the devil and from sin so that we could enter God’s Kingdom—if we want to.
Three days later, Jesus physically rose from the dead. His disciples saw Him over a span of 40 days and even ate fish with Him.
After that, Jesus ascended to heaven and sent the Holy Spirit to all who believe and obey Him.
Under the authority of Jesus, we can drive out demons and open the door for God to transform lives through the Holy Spirit.
If you can see that you are in brokenness and not really clean before God, the good news is that, through Jesus’ sacrifice, you can receive a brand-new spiritual life—if you believe and want to come out of darkness.
Are you in the place where you can say God is working in your life, and your sins are forgiven?
Or are you unsure where you stand with God?
If there was a way to be sure, would you like to know it?
John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever BELIEVES INTO HIM should not perish but have eternal LIFE.”
Yes, the Greek word (eis) means “Into”. Real believing, real trusting, real relying on Jesus moves you INTO Jesus. Into a real connection.
Maybe you’ve been tormented by dark spiritual forces you can’t explain. You know they’re there, but you’re unsure if anyone would believe you.
But moving into JESUS moves tormenting spirits OUT.
Jesus said, “in my name they shall cast out demons”. (Mark 16:17)
Want to learn more?
Everyone is different. Jesus is the miracle worker, not us. But we promise there are **no charges. ** We are NOT asking for money for this.
We want to do this because the Bible tells us to and because of what we have personally experienced until now and because God tells us in the Bible to let others know. (Matthew 28:18-20)
If you sense God drawing you, you might like to reach out on Social Media now and we can set up a time to chat or pray together.