Police Officer warned in a dream

My Testimony

I have been given a gift that I am thankful for:

Back in 1988, I was the only female police officer in my department of 79 officers. One morning I awoke from a dream so clear that I knew it was something that was going to happen. In the dream, I was helping someone and I saw a knife, a gun, rail road tracks, and other things.

When I went to work, I told my ex-partner about it because I feared that he might get injured and it was meant for me to warn him. I was very thankful to him for accepting me as a peer, when some others in my department were openly prejudiced against me.

My shift went by uneventfully. I still felt that something would happen. The next day, as I was working alone in my patrol car, I waited until other officer had eaten and asked if I could go to lunch. The dispatcher said I could, and I asked if they wanted anything. As I traveled a side street to get us something, I guess I was not alone in my travels: the spirit of Christ was beside me in that car.

I saw a young man, leaning against the guard rail. When I stopped to help him, he ran. I followed him behind a trucking company where he tried to climb a steep bank and could not. I detained him and tried to
find out why he was running. Since his injury was minor and he was only 16, I decided to take him home. Another officer stopped by and we got him into the back of my patrol car. As I took him home, he spoke the worst filth he could think of.

I thought that most officers probably would not have stopped that day, but I had someone beside me, guiding the way. I had forgotten about my dream two nights before.

After the young man went into his house, I waited on the porch to speak with his mother about getting him some help. When I heard a noise and the young man ran from the house with a knife and stabbed me. He was
ranting and raving about “killing the bitch” and “killing the pig”. As I fought for my life I hit him numerous times with my flashlight, but he seemed unfazed. We rolled around on the ground and he was kicking me in the face when I realized that I was going to die.

I slowly leaned back while holding his knife hand to keep him from stabbing me more and pulled out my gun and shot him. Once. He still kept stabbing me, so I shot him again. He rolled over. I called for an
ambulance for him…and then myself.

As I found out, my dream was not meant for my ex-partner, but for myself, to save me to help others. The young man came from a very dysfunctional family, and on that day, drank a pint to a quart of vodka and may have taken some acid. His mother had been in an institution, his older brother was run over by a train (and lived) his younger brother
was in a facility for stabbing someone.

His comment when they loaded him in the ambulance was….”I forgot that cops carry guns….”.

One year prior to this, I attended a special seminar held by brother Gregory, of the State Police, who counseled officers who are involved in situations. He told me that “you did not make a decision to shoot him, he made a decision to be shot by doing what he did”. I never forgot that. And my special passenger that day in the car, led me to stop and try to help this young man that had blood on his face. He also sent me a warning, to try and save my life.

We (my spiritual companion Christ and I) were awarded the Police Cross for outstanding service to my department and praised by everyone. Even those who had treated me poorly. I think that we all had a message that we were learning from this.

Although my injuries caused me to leave my job, my faith and spiritual passenger carried me through this trying time and my physical recovery. For this, I am thankful.

“Cindy Miller”

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