Overcoming Fear

Fear is not only a psychological condition. Fear is a spirit. We see that from the Word of God.

Fear is not only a psychological condition. Fear is a spirit. We see that from the Word of God.

2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Paul gave this Scripture to Timothy right in the midst of telling him to stir up his spiritual gifts, to testify for Jesus Christ, and to share with Paul in the sufferings of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Satan doesn't want you to use your spiritual gifts. He doesn't want you to talk about Jesus, and he wants you to be afraid of the suffering that you may or may not experience if you do talk about Jesus.

Looking around at many Christians, it seems that Satan has succeeded to stop many from moving forward by means of this one evil power alone.

It is estimated that 80% of Christians today are oppressed by a spirit of fear. This can and must be reversed. But Proverbs 11:9 says, "Through knowledge the righteous will be delivered". We need the genuine knowledge of God to be delivered from the Spirit of Fear.

Fear stops people not only in the areas of witnessing and using spiritual gifts. The fear of rejection has hindered people from beginning wonderful relationships. The fear of failure has held many back from beginning wonderful enterprises. The fear of death paralyzes and torments many. There are many other kinds of fear. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but unfortunately, many Christians have received a spirit of fear at some time in their life. They received what the devil was handing out to them. Many times, they received it before they became Christians, and they have not known God well enough to get rid of it since that time.

One thing is clear, no Christian received a spirit of fear from God. In fact, the Bible tells us in 1 John 4:18 that "perfect love casts out fear". The more of the divine love of God that we receive into our lives, the less scope there is for fear to get a grip.

A man was once robbing a bank. In the midst of it, a woman comes up to him and tells him to put the gun down, and give himself up. What gave this woman such tremendous courage? She was the man's mother, and her love for the son overcame that sense of fear.

Fear tends to attract evil upon us, just as faith tends to attract the goodness and blessings of God. Fear is a substance of things we hope won't happen, its almost like a conviction that they will happen. Fear is faith in reverse. But it is faith in the devil, whether we know it or not. God wants Christians to be free of such fear.

There is a fear which is good and clean, which is the fear of the Lord. Many blessings are associated with the healthy fear of the Lord. We are not talking about that kind of fear here. Neither are we talking about the natural healthy fear which would affect us if for example we were to contemplate jumping off a cliff or walking into heavy speeding traffic. We are talking about tormenting fear. This fear is strictly of the devil.

The Remedy

There area number of effective remedies for fear. Someone said, "Do the thing you fear most, and the death of fear is certain." This is good advice when it comes to things like public speaking, if we are afraid of that, or talking to strangers about Jesus. In no case should we bow to fear.

But this kind of advice is not enough. What we actually need is the actual consciousness that God is within us, and around us, and over us. And we need to know who God is. God is greater than the devil. There is no comparison. Jesus said, "I will NEVER leave you nor forsake you." (Hebrews 13:5, Matthew 28:20). If we are aware of the presence of Jesus with us, we really can't be swallowed up or dominated by fear. Fear cannot control us. Ultimately, it must be driven out, in all its forms.

We've seen before the Scripture that "perfect love drives out fear". But where does this perfect love come from? One thing to be sure of – it doesn't come from ourselves. This perfect love comes from the Lord. God is love and the Spirit of God drives out the spirit of fear. Daily make more room for God in your life. Make room for Him through much prayer, through more meditation on the Word, through verbally praising the Lord with your mouth and with your music.

This is the way King David, a man who faced many dangerous battles, looked at it.

"The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid?" (Psalm 27:1)

Because David was conscious of the Lord's presence with him, and because he knew God, David did not walk in fear.

To have the full consciousness of the presence of the Lord with us in these days, I believe that we must be baptized in the Holy Spirit and speak with other tongues on a daily basis. For more information on this vital subject, read HERE. As well as that, we need to walk with the Lord in daily submission to his leadings. In this way, we will cultivate the experiential knowledge of the presence of the Lord which will free us from fear and bring us under the influence of the mighty Spirit of the Lord, who will enable us to do great things for God.

In this category there is another article listing more Scriptures which I believe will be helpful for many to consider and meditate upon. By putting these words of God upon your lips, you will begin to defeat the spirit of fear. Remember, you can command it to go, once you have met the general conditions for being delivered, described elsewhere on this website.

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