More Testimonies – Benefits of Fasting and Prayer

The power of fasting and prayer

I was so wonderfully blessed of God through fasting and prayer that I cannot help but share my experience with you. I had joined a mutual loan club with some other ladies. This proved to be a bad investment and I lost all of my property including our house. In addition to that I incurred a debt of $20,000. Finally our entire family had to move into a small room renting for only $10.00 a month.

My husband began to stay out until around midnight drinking heavily and playing poker with his fnends, and I rarely saw him. I could find no way out of the suffering, failure, and self-condemnation. I tried to commit suicide by taking an overdose of sleeping tablets, but I failed in that. One day, on my way to a dance hall, I met a friend of mine. She asked me where I was going, and I told her I was going to the dance hall to try to forget everything. She asked me If I would go with her to a place that was better than any of those places of entertainment so I consented and she took me to the Full Gospel Central Church.

That night the sermon was just for me from beginning to end. The pastor preached for me to surrender all my burdens to Christ and to accept the peace that comes from Him. I poured out my heart to Jesus and confessed my sins to Him. I searched my heart and repented of every sin and accepted Jesus as my Saviour. I remembered the marriage ceremony when my husband and I were joined in matrimony by a pastor. However, from the time of my wedding I continued in a life of sin. But as I repented that day, I was given peace and rest from above.

My husband continued living an ungodly life. I thought to myself, “When I lead him to Jesus Christ, our family can have a happy home.” With this thought I determined to fast and pray for my husband. Shortly after this, my husband had to leave on business for a week. After he left I went to the Full Gospel Prayer Mountain without his knowledge and fasted and prayed. At the end of the week I hurried home in order to be there when he arrived, but he was already at home. He accused me of not caring for the house while he was away and said that I was responsible for the collapse of our home.

I shared my experience of the past few days with him and told him of the joy, new hope, and real peace God had given me since I accepted Christ as my Saviour. I told him I was fasting and praying for him to receive Jesus Christ as his Saviour also, emphasizing that only through Christ could new hope and joy be found.

He listened quietly for a while and then said he would like to go to church with me. Hallelujah! God had answered my prayers. My husband became a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. He quit smoking, drinking, and gambling, and we are worshipping in church every Sunday and Wednesday without fail. From time to time I have fasted for five days or a week, and God has blessed us. God gave me a precious son to go with our two daughters and miraculously cleared our debt. Before we met Christ, we had only false happiness but now we have true joy that only comes from Christ. There is no doubt that the power of fasting and prayer has opened the door of God’s blessings to us.

Hallelujah! We praise and thank Him for what He has done.

-Ja In Lee
416-16 Shin Kel Dong
Yeong Dong Po Ku, Seoul, Korea

As this testimony points out, fasting and prayer are very beneficial to our home and to us personally. For the Christian it is a great treasure. As our faith grows, we enjoy greater and greater blessings from God. Faith in Christ provides us with a positive thought pattern which, when controlled by Christ, is the basic road that will lead us the right way.

People who continually think negative thoughts, such as, “I can’t do,” “It is impossible,” or “I am too poor,” harvest the results of such thoughts. On the other hand, people who think positive thoughts, such as, “I can do,” “It is possible,” and “I am able,” as trees planted by a stream continue to bear good fruit. People with positive faith in Christ tend to find blessing in every situation. Whenever problems arise, no matter how difficult, such people immerge victoriously through the power of their positive faith in Jesus Christ.

Pastors with this positive faith see the Holy Spirit bring revival to churches that are declining. There is a need to concentrate our efforts on teaching pastors to fast and pray until they receive the power of the Holy Spirit in their ministry. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, the church of 150 will grow to 500; the church of 500 will grow to 1,000 or even 5,000 members. This IS happening in our country of Korea. If all pastors would let God use them in the power of the Holy Spirit in this way it would be only a short time until the 50 million people of Korea could be challenged with the gospel of Christ.

The gospel comes in power, in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance (I Thessalonians I :5). Parents who have this positive faith dedicate their children to Him and bring them up in the love and power of Christ. These parents discipline their children according to the Word of God in the power of the Holy Spirit. As they continue to pray and fast for them, their young people will rarely go into a protracted life of sin and worldliness and be lost.

The home is the basic unit in our human society. Even though it is the smallest unit, it is extremely important to the nation. As homes propser, so a nation prospers. We Christians must not only pray for our nation but make our homes sound and firm with the power of God. Then, it is our responsi.bility to share this blessing with our neighbors. In this way we can best care for our families and serve our country. How do we receive this positive faith? By earnestly seeking Christ through fasting and prayer. No doubt there are those who disagree with this philosophy, but there are many Christians who hAve already experienced this positive faith through fasting and prayer.

Throughout much of my life I also had a negative faith. For nearly 25 years I held various positions In the church but finally one day the pressures of life’s responsibilities became so intense I tried to commit suicide by starvation. For 20 days I did not eat, but during that time I began to seek the Lord earnestly and He showed me the power that comes through fasting and prayer. Christ healed me of diabetes, insomnia, and hysteria, and He also took away my hatred and begrudging spirit. Then, at the age of 41, God called me to the Full Gospel Bible School in Seoul and made me a victorious pastor.

The most precious treasure we have is to be able to meet God; to talk and commune with Him directly. It is through fasting and prayer that we experience God’s supernatural power. This always brings real joy and spiritual happiness.

It is obvious that the only way true revival can come to our homes, our neighbors, our churches, and our country is through fasting and prayer. When revival comes, sin is confessed, people are regenerated, and the problems that plague each unit of our society will be solved. Isn’t it the Christian’s greatest mission to strive earnestly to do all we can to bring this kind of revival? Hallelujah!


On New Year’s Day, when I returned home late in the evening from visiting a pastor’s home, I discovered some unfortunate circumstances had created a major crisis.

A man who owed us a considerable sum of money was to come from his country home to settle his debt before the New Year. However, the holiday traffic made it impossible for him to get to Seoul until late on New Year’s Day, and so he arrived at my office while I was out visiting. In my office was a man he had met there several times before, so thinking that he was in charge for the day the debtor gave him the money to clear his debt. The man who received the money then ran away with the funds.

One morning, shortly after this incident, I awoke to find that my ankle was very badly swollen. I went to an oriental hospital to receive an acupuncture treatment, but the doctor told me that acupuncture would be very dangerous. With a heavy heart I made my way to the Full Gospel Prayer Mountain.

I fasted and prayed for three days and nights without hearing any answer from heaven. I was suffering with the burden of these problems, and now I was hungry as well as discouraged. On the fourth day as I was praying, God convicted me of my self-sufficient attitude.

The voice of God spoke to me saying, “My Son, if you believe me, why don’t you let me take all your problems? As long as you carry them yourself I cannot do the work for you. The people who really love me are those who surrender themselves to Me and My will. I help them to exercise their faith. So if you will entrust all your burdens to me, I will take care of them Instead of you. Why don’t you entrust all your problems to me? You are still suffering because you try to solve the problems yourself in your own way. Surrender all your heavy burdens to me.”

In the middle of my prayer I exclaimed, “0 Lord, you are right! Forgive me for not trusting you Lord. I surrender all of myself, 0 Lord. Take my burdens now. I believe you are giving me the answer.”

I continued to confess my faults and when I finished KOREAN MIRACLES TESTIMONY I was so wonderfully blessed of God through fasting and prayer that I cannot help but share my experience with you. I had joined a mutual loan club with some other ladies. This proved to be a bad investment and I lost all of my property including our house. In addition to that I incurred a debt of $20,000. Finally our entire family had to move into a small room renting for only $10.00 a month. .

My husband began to stay out until around midnight drinking heavily and playing poker with his fnends, and I rarely saw him. I could find no way out of the suffering, failure, and self-condemnation. I tried to commit suicide by taking an overdose of sleeping tablets, but I failed in that. One day, on my way to a dance hall, I met a friend of mine. She asked me where I was going, and I told her I was going to the dance hall to try to forget everything. She asked me If I would go with her to a place that was better than any of those places of entertainment so I consented and she took me to the Full Gospel Central Church.

That night the sermon was just for me from beginning to end. The pastor preached for me to surrender all my burdens to Christ and to accept the peace that comes from Him. I poured out my heart to Jesus and confessed my sins to Him. I searched my heart and repented of every sin and accepted Jesus as my Saviour. I remembered the marriage ceremony when my husband and I were joined in matrimony by a pastor. However, from the time of my wedding I continued in a life of sin. But as I repented that day, I was given peace and rest from above.

My husband continued living an ungodly life. I thought to myself, “When I lead him to Jesus Christ, our family can have a happy home.” With this thought I determined to fast and pray for my husband. Shortly after this, my husband had to leave on business for a week. After he left I went to the Full Gospel Prayer Mountain without his knowledge and fasted and prayed. At the end of the week I hurried home in order to be there when he arrived, but he was already at home. He accused me of not caring for the house while he was away and said that I was responsible for the collapse of our home.

I shared my experience of the past few days with him and told him of the joy, new hope, and real peace God had given me since I accepted Christ as my Saviour. I told him I was fasting and praying for him to receive Jesus Christ as his Saviour also, emphasizing that only through Christ could new hope and joy be found.

He listened quietly for a while and then said he would like to go to church with me. Hallelujah! God had answered my prayers. My husband became a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. He quit smoking, drinking, and gambling, and we are worshipping in church every Sunday and Wednesday without fail. From time to time I have fasted for five days or a week, and God has blessed us. God gave me a precious son to go with our two daughters and miraculously cleared our debt. Before we met Christ, we had only false happiness but now we have true joy that only comes from Christ. There is no doubt that the power of fasting and prayer has opened the door of God’s blessings to us.

Hallelujah! We praise and thank Him for what He has done.

-Ja In Lee
416-16 Shin Kel Dong
Yeong Dong Po Ku, Seoul, Korea

As this testimony points out, fasting and prayer are very beneficial to our home and to us personally. For the Christian it is a great treasure. As our faith grows, we enjoy greater and greater blessings from God. Faith in Christ provides us with a positive thought pattern which, when controlled by Christ, is the basic road that will lead us the right way.

People who continually think negative thoughts, such as, “I can’t do,” “It is impossible,” or “I am too poor,” harvest the results of such thoughts. On the other hand, people who think positive thoughts, such as, “I can do,” “It is possible,” and “I am able,” as trees planted by a stream continue to bear good fruit. People with positive faith in Christ tend to find blessing in every situation. Whenever problems arise, no matter how difficult, such people immerge victoriously through the power of their positive faith in Jesus Christ.

Pastors with this positive faith see the Holy Spirit bring revival to churches that are declining. There is a need to concentrate our efforts on teaching pastors to fast and pray until they receive the power of the Holy Spirit in their ministry. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, the church of 150 will grow to 500; the church of 500 will grow to 1,000 or even 5,000 members. This IS happening in our country of Korea. If all pastors would let God use them in the power of the Holy Spirit in this way it would be only a short time until the 50 million people of Korea could be challenged with the gospel of Christ.

The gospel comes in power, in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance (I Thessalonians I :5). Parents w~o have this positive faith dedicate their children to H.lm and bring them up in the love and power ~f Christ. These parents discipline their children acco.r~mg to the Word of God in the power of the Holy Spirit. As they continue to pray and fast for them, their young people will rarely go into a protracted life of sin and worldli- ness and be lost.

The home is the basic unit in our human society. Even though it is the smallest unit, it is extremely important to the nation. As homes propser, so a nation prospers. We Christians must not only pray for our nation but make our homes sound and firm with the power of God. Then, it is our responsi.bility to share this blessing with our neighbors. In this way we can best care for our families and serve our country. How do we receive this positive faith? By earnestly seeking Christ through fasting and prayer. No doubt there are those who disagree with this philosophy, but there are many Christians who hAve already experienced this positive faith through fasting and prayer.

Throughout much of my life I also had a negative faith. For nearly 25 years I held various positions In the church but finally one day the pressures of life’s responsibilities became so intense I tried to commit suicide by starvation. For 20 days I did not eat, but during that time I began to seek the Lord earnestly and He showed me the power that comes through fasting and prayer. Christ healed me of diabetes, insomnia, and hysteria, and He also took away my hatred and begrudging spirit. Then, at the age of 41, God called me to the Full Gospel Bible School in Seoul and made me a victorious pastor.

The most precious treasure we have is to be able to meet God; to talk and commune with Him directly. It is through fasting and prayer that we experience God’s supernatural power. This always brings real joy and spiritual happiness.

It is obvious that the only way true revival can come to our homes, our neighbors, our churches, and our country is through fasting and prayer. When revival comes, sin is confessed, people are regenerated, and the problems that plague each unit of our society will be solved. Isn’t it the Christian’s greatest mission to strive earnestly to do all we can to bring this kind of revival? Hallelujah!


On New Year’s Day, when I returned home late in the evening from visiting a pastor’s home, I discovered some unfortunate circumstances had created a major crisis.

A man who owed us a considerable sum of money was to come from his country home to settle his debt before the New Year. However, the holiday traffic made it impossible for him to get to Seoul until late on New Year’s Day, and so he arrived at my office while I was out visiting. In my office was a man he had met there several times before, so thinking that he was in charge for the day the debtor gave him the money to clear his debt. The man who received the money then ran away with the funds.

One morning, shortly after this incident, I awoke to find that my ankle was very badly swollen. I went to an oriental hospital to receive an acupuncture treatment, but the doctor told me that acupuncture would be very dangerous. With a heavy heart I made my way to the Full Gospel Prayer Mountain.

I fasted and prayed for three days and nights with- out hearing any answer from heaven. I was suffering with the burden of these problems, and now I was hungry as well as discouraged. On the fourth day as I was praying, God convicted me of my self-sufficient attitude.

The voice of God spoke to me saying, “My Son, if you believe me, why don’t you let me take all your problems? As long as you carry them yourself I cannot do the work for you. The people who really love me are those who surrender themselves to Me and My will. I help them to exercise their faith. So if you will entrust all your burdens to me, I will take care of them Instead of you. Why don’t you entrust all your problems to me? You are still suffering because you try to solve the problems yourself in your own way. Surrender all your heavy burdens to me.”

In the middle of my prayer I exclaimed, “0 Lord, you are right! Forgive me for not trusting you Lord. I surrender all of myself, 0 Lord. Take my burdens now. I believe you are giving me the answer.”

I continued to confess my faults and when I finished praying my spirit felt refreshed and I had joy and peace of mind.

Soon after I arrived home, I received a telephone call and was greatly surprised to hear the person who had stolen the money saying he had come back to Seoul to return it to me. I asked him why he decided to return it. He explained that as he was on his way to Suwon City he had undergone a change of mind. He said that suddenly he remembered that I made my living honestly and was serving Christ, and as he thought about it over and over again he finally decided that he must return all that he had stolen.

Hallelujah! God not only wonderfully provided the return of this money, but shortly after my ankle was completely healed. God has so abundantly blessed me that I cannot tell you all He has done for me. Since realizing the dynamic power in fasting and prayer, whenever I face a difficult matter I fast and pray about it, and God always gives the victory.

Hallelujah! I give all the glory to God for the blessings He has provided for me through fasting and prayer. I am thankful for the guidance of my pastor in these matters.”

-Soo Wong Kim

President, Korea Natural Salt CO.


Fasting provides benefits for our body in many ways. It is only natural for us to think that we must eat three good meals every day to be healthy. Of course nourishing food is important in order to maintain our health, but often sickness comes from eating too much food too fast.

Many question how fasting will promote our physical well-being, but for centuries doctors have stated that temperance in eating is a key to the maintenance of good health. Doctors restrict the diets of people when they are ill, and we would do well to heed this advice even though we are not ill.

Down through history, great sages have insisted that their disciples fast in order to cure diseases in the body. For centuries eastern medicine has advised fasting for more than three days as a cure for stomach ailments. People continually indulge in excessive eating and then take digestive medicine to relieve the discomfort which results. It seems illogical that such practices are continually repeated, but in this modern age the prevailing philosophy seems to be to eat lots of nourish- ing food and then take many different kinds of medicine to cure the diseases of the body.

Some diseases can be cured through fasting. However, let us always be aware that when we fast and pray in faith believing, we also receive healing through the miraculous power of God.

Much research has been conducted by eminent doctors and scientists as to the effects of fasting on the human body.

Dr. Frank McCoy stated in his book, The Fast Way to Health,’ that he has performed surgery for various diseases and has used psychology to cure other diseases, but through research he found that in many cases fasting was an effective method. He also says that he has prescribed fasting to many patients. In his book, Vitality, Fasting and Nutrition, Or. Carrington,’ of England, said that fasting was one of the best ways for people to enjoy better health and long life. He explains that he feels there is one basic factor that causes ailments and from this factor a variety of symptoms appear.

Ordinarily a doctor tries to treat the ailment accord- ing to the symptoms, but if he does not realize what the root of the ailment is, he will not be able to completely cure the disease. What is the main basic factor? Dr. Carrington feels that it is food and drink.

Generally speaking, most people eat much more than they need to in order to maintain their health. As a result all the food taken in is not digested. The surplus is excreted from the body. However, there is a small amount of refuse that builds up throughout the digestive tract. This disturbs the circulatory system and becomes a basic factor that causes disease. We cannot completely remove this factor with medicine, but our body needs to be cleansed of this build up. The best way to do this is to fast periodically.

Fasting for a few days causes our bodies to begin using stored up nourishment. Waste and injurious substances are removed, and as the blood is cleansed the disease factor is eliminated and symptoms disappear. Let us direct our attention to the assertion of Dr. Frank McCoy, educator and head surgeon in a Los Angeles hospital. In his book, Fast Way to Health, he states that the fundamental cause of every ailment is that blood containing injurious substances hinders the proper function of various organs. This impure blood does not circulate well and little by little causes conges- tion in the organs. This results in functional disorders. Continued excessive intake of unfit food is one of the major causes of impurities in the blood. Abscesses, cancer, tuberculosis, tracheitis, ovarian disorders, and other such problems stem from this factor. It is beneficial to control food and drink, thereby cleansing the blood stream. We have many written testimonies of people who after fasting and prayer witnessed that their minds were clear, all manner of diseases disap- peared, and they were able to work more actively than ever before.

During times of fasting it is important to drink water every day. While fasting, excess fat, protein, and carbohydrates that are stored in the body are used. Intesti- nal refuse and other harmful matter are discharged with the normal body waste. The constitution is changed; the skin becomes soft, and disease germs disappear. In addition to this, all the organs of the body receive a complete rest. If we can derive so great a physiological benefit from fasting, how much more beneficial, both physically and spiritually, when we combine fasting and prayer.

At the Full Gospel Prayer Mountain where I am currently the director, every day we see people healed of serious diseases. Healing is only one of the blessings received through fasting and prayer. God not only heals our diseases but also grants us health and increases our faith.


Some months ago I began to feel an ache in my wrist. Gradually it became worse until I couldn’t sleep or even use chopsticks with that hand. Finally I went to the doctor for treatment. After ex- amining me he said my hand had to be amputated and if I didn’t have the operation soon I would lose my whole arm up to the shoulder.

His words hit me like a bolt of lightning. After the initial shock, I went through a period of deep agony and depression until I could not do anything. How- ever, I didn’t remain in this state but came to a deci- sion that I would go to the Full Gospel Prayer Moun- tain to fast and pray.

I arrived in Seoul from Japan around the first of February and went directly to the prayer mountain. As I started to fast and pray, I decided that three days was the right length of time. During that time, I struggled with hunger, coldness, and fear of my arm not being healed. With the help of the Lord I extended my fasting and prayer to 15 days.

After I had completed about a week of fasting, the pain in my arm was extremely intense and the arm became very swollen. Fear came into my heart that my arm had become so bad that I would, as the doctor had warned, lose my arm and be deformed. As I continued to fast and pray the swelling in my arm began to abate and the pain became less severe. Whenever I was in pain or in the depths of disappointment, the words of advice from the pastor and her praying for me with the laying on of hands greatly encouraged me to continue to fast and pray.

By the time I completed the tenth day of fasting, I had great courage and faith to overcome anything through Jesus Christ. By the fifteenth day, I was completely healed, and my arm was as though there had never been any physical problem.

Now I work every day in my company and enjoy my life In health. I am quick to testify to others about the wonderful healing touch from God that I received.


I love and appreciate God and give Him all the glory. I want to thank you, Pastor Choi, for taking care of me while I was fasting and praying there.

-A Japanese Young Lady

Japan Gospel Christ Church


For many years I played an accordion in a night club. During that time I suffered from tuberculosis. At first the disease was mild and I could work without any trouble, but gradually it became worse. Finally I began to cough up blood, and from that time on I could not work. In fact, I had to spend most of every day in bed. My con- dition was so severe that the various medicines given to me did not help.

One day my Christian mother-in-law visited my home and told me I should go to the Full Gospel Prayer Mountain. She said that if I would confess my sin and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ that He would save me and heal my disease. I went to the prayer mountain and earnestly began to confess my sin and ask God to help me and to heal my body. Due to my weakened condition. I could not fast and pray continually. So at first I fasted one day and then ate cereal for a day; then fasted two days before eating rice cereal for a day. This I did for a period of 30 days. At the end of this time, even though I did not fast continuously, I felt the assurance that God had healed me of the tuberculosis. The hemorrhaging of my lungs ceased and the asthmatic symptoms completely disappeared. The joy I felt in my heart was so great I was scarcely able to contain myself. The day after I returned home from the prayer mountain I went to the hospital for an X-ray examination. The amazed doctor said that the disease was completely healed. Hallalujah!

I am sending the X-ray film to you as evidence of what Christ did for me. I hope that you will keep it at the prayer mountain to help others believe. God is able. Truly Jesus lives and He always answers prayer. How can I give God recompense for what He has done? I give Him all the glory and honor.

-Mr. Jong Jim Oh

278 2nd Jagi Dong,

Oongdaemoon Ku

Seoul, Korea


Our spirit and body can become cleansed at the same time. There is a Korean proverb that says a sound mind is a sound body. Mind and body are inseparable until death. It has been our experience that people easily fall into the depths of one or more of the following: despair, melancholy, enmity, discouragement, fear, anxiety, anger, and depravity.

As our body is made clean, these morbid thought patterns are purged from our mind. God has created man to be purified both spiritually and physically at the same time.

Satan tries to tempt us with unclean food and drink. We have found that a great number of peo- ple have been freed from Satan’s power and from sickness through fasting and prayer. . Dr. Bernarr A. Macfadden,’ an authority on physical health says that fasting has a great effect on the human spirit. He tells of an experience of communion with the Holy Spirit while fasting and the experience was precious beyond description. The only way one is able to understand it is to have such an experience. There is an unlimited rest and peace that engulfs our entire being. It seems as if living water is flowing from deep within. After such an experience one has great compassion for the human race and a love and understanding for each other that enables one to enjoy life with God and live in harmony with others.

Fasting and prayer is a source of strength for both our body and our mind. It will strengthen our will, develop our intellectual faculties, give us fortitude and increased vitality, make our mind capable of concentrating more, and establish a healthy attitude and philosophy of life. Remember that fasting and prayer purify the body as well as the mind and at the same time, under His blessing and grace, our faith in God is increased.


For five years I had been bothered with indigestion and I felt as though a heavy mass of iron was laying in my abdomen. Then rather suddenly it became much worse and at night -1- could only sleep a short time. Due to the pain I made noises during the night and my family could not sleep. We did not have enough money for me to receive treatment at a large hospital, so I went to a small clinic near my home. After an examination the doctor said he couldn’t find the nature of my illness. One day when I was in the midst of pain and despair, a member of the Full Gospel Central Church visited me and suggested that I go to the prayer mountain to fast and pray for my healing. She told me that many different kinds of diseases were healed as people fasted and prayed before God.

I went to the prayer mountain and began to fast and pray. As the days passed the hunger and coldness became so intense that I could barely sup- port myself. I prayed, “0 Lord, if you do not touch me 1 will surely die here.” On the fourth day, as I was going to take part in the early morn- mg service, I began to cough severely and some strange things came out of my mouth. They were gallstones as large as green peas.

Hallelujah, God had healed me in a wonderful way. 1 truly believe that this miracle from God is a result of the power that comes through fasting and prayer. 1 finished my fifth day of fasting and praying praising God for His wonderful blessing. Now 1 can eat without any problem; all the food is digested and there is no pain in my abdomen. I feel fresh and light just as if I am walking on air. I give all the glory to God for teaching me the value of fasting and prayer and healing me of my sickness. Praise the Lord!

-Deuk Bo Lee

15-16 2nd Ku,

Sosaeup, Gyunggi Province



While my sister and I were living in Pusan, her behavior became strange and she would sometimes react violently. At times she would break the furniture in her house and beat the neighbor children for no apparent reason. As a result of such actions she was arrested by the police and the authorities many times.

During this time, she was under a doctor’s care and was taking. many kinds of medicine, but without much improvement in her condition. She even went to an exorcist, but she grew worse as each day passed.

Her husband was a sailor who sailed up and down the coasts of Korea. He was not at home much to take care of her and so, without any special plan in mind, I brought her to Seoul to live.

One day a nephew visited my house and suggested that he’d take her to the Full Gospel Prayer Mountain. At that I time I was not attending church and no longer believed in Christ, so I was hesitant to consider doing this. Finally, realizing my sister had to have an answer from God, on September 27, 1974, we went to the prayer mountain. I believe God was arranging the events to bring both my younger sister and me to the Lord Jesus Christ.

The first day at the prayer mountain was un- eventful. But the next day as we were attending the ground breaking service for the dormitory my sister suddenly shouted out, “Oh, I am sentenced to death now.” I think that Satan recognized his time of controlling my sister was nearly finished. After the ground breaking. service, we asked Sister Choi to lay hands on my sister and pray.

After she prayed for her, Sister Choi suggested that we fast and pray. I confessed my sins to Christ and asked Him to forgive me of my backsliding. As we began then to fast and pray together for one day, two days, and then three days; the crazy behavior was less frequent and then disappeared altogether.

We went home to Seoul for a few days and returned again to the prayer mountain to fast and pray more. My sister fasted for five days and I for a week. All the time we were thanking Christ for the mighty deliverance He had given us through the power of His Name.

Now I am going to my home in Pusan with the joy of God’s forgiveness, and my sister is returning to her home with joy and happiness because she is free from the terrible power of Satan. She is a child of God.

I am praying that in the Name of Jesus many people will receive blessings in their souls as well as healing for their bodies. I give the glory to God. Hallelujah!

-Eu Seol Kim

Mt. 48 Sang Buk Ku

Samsun Dong

Seoul, Korea

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