More hell testimonies – Bill Wiese

Bill Wiese was a real estate agent and had a horrifying experience of hell. He says it is not important if you believe his experience, what you must do is check out what the Bible says about hell and act accordingly. That is to say – repent.

This was an out of body experience. At the time he had it, he had never studied hell. He wasn’t thinking about it. He never had a vision before he says. He got up at 3 a.m. to get a glass of water, and he felt his spirit getting drawn out of his body. He was drawn down, down into a prison cell in hell. There were demons there with an extreme hatred against God – and against him. He had a spirit body which the demons were tearing apart. There is no blood or water in hell. There is no mercy, only hatred. He was placed next to a pit of fire about a mile across. Thousands of people in  this pit were screaming in this fire. They looked like skeletons (Mary Baxter saw the same thing). Everything is hopeless and unbearable. You miss the people you knew. There is a horrible stench. You are hungry but you don’t get to hear. You are thirsty but you don’t get to drink. The fear is unbelievably bad. 

Thankfully, the Lord Jesus rescued him out of hell. He realised that had Jesus not died on the cross, he would have suffered like that for all eternity.

Bill Wiese said the Lord said many people, even His own people don’t believe that hell exists, and He wants them to know it. He also felt the hopelessness of the place – it was hidden from his mind that he was a Christian during this experience – so he felt the hopelessness like an unsaved person.

Jesus shared some of His heart – the anguish He feels about people going to hell. The reason hell is horrible is that it is a place absent from God’s goodness.

If man rejects Jesus there is no other place for him to go.

Ian McCormack is a humble man of God who my wife has met. This is his testimony of praying for the first time on the way to hospital while dying of a box jellyfish poisoning. He briefly was in hell before being taken into the presence of God and meeting Jesus. Today Ian is a pastor.





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