Ministry History of Michael Fackerell

Our History

Michael and Marilena Fackerell

Over the years, God has blessed us in many ways and has been with us through both trials and triumphs.

I, Michael, am married to Marilena for 24 years as of 2018 and we are blessed with two school age daughters – Lisa and Christina. Biblically, I need to make my family my first ministry. 

For much of the last 30 years I have been involved in evangelistic ministry all around the world, planting churches, helping plant them, pastoring for several years, setting up TV channels, preaching, ministering divine healing, reaching out on the web and so on.

Our missions work has  involved not only internet outreach, but TV ministry, distribution of specially modified Android tablets with preloaded content, and evangelistic outreaches. I am also working on a Christian Prayer Social Network which is functioning at

In the 1980s I pioneered pentecostal student ministry on 2 University campuses in NSW with Students for Christ. In the 1990s I spent 5 years in Romania where God used me to plant a church in Bucharest through evangelism. We are in contact with many of the people from that church even today. In the early 2000s (or was it 1999?), by God’s grace I planted a church in India with brother S.K. Thomas and one of his trained pastors, through evangelism in which God confirmed the word with powerful miracles, including the healing of a deaf mute girl. Later on we started 24 hour TV channels in two countries, one of which was the Philippines and one in a country that is not very friendly towards foreign evangelism or towards evangelism in general. We are sad that we are no longer involved in these powerful TV ministries. Maybe they are too powerful for our presence as foreign founders to be tolerated. 🙂

However as of 2019, the main ministry focus I expect will be the internet outreach again, and the extent of this is subject to the availability of funds. When you have a family, money has to come from somewhere. God provides, but the way He provides affects how much time and how effective the ministry of the Word of God will be.

I am currently (2019) a casual school-teacher, which is a very easy job, but it  frees me to work a little or a lot (something pursuing the development of business doesn’t do). So if people like you decide to partner with me, I can drop some work without dropping it all. I do not believe God has called me right now to drop teaching work completely, but if the season changes, I would gladly do it. I would love to do more to spread the Word of God, and over the years I have mostly done this without financial compensation. But I don’t want to limit God’s work by being too proud to receive help from others. We all need the Body of Christ.

When God prompts people and they give to us, it results in more people being reached, taught and helped. So thank you for whatever it is the Lord has placed on your heart to do.

Michael Fackerell

You can use this button to make a donation by Paypal or by Credit Card.

If you wish to donate Litecoin, Bitcoin or Bitcoin Cash, write me and I’ll supply you a public address.

With appreciation for your help and partnership,

Michael Fackerell

Contact me


P.S. If you’d like to get to know me more first on Facebook before giving, that’s fine. Please look me up, add a Friend Request and send a message at the same time. I say this because I do not always see Message Requests, and I don’t always accept Friend Requests from people I don’t yet know personally, unless they send a sensible message as well. You may also use the email address above to contact me on

I invite you to build a faith community together with me. Join my social media channels and let’s connect, especially if you want freedom or fullness in Christ.

My Telegram has a ministry channel. On Tiktok I have many videos and new ones regularly.

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Michael FackerellHi my name is Michael Fackerell, founder of this site. It is created to help you know Jesus and get a great eternal reward from God Almighty. Learn More

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