Meeting the Holiness of God

My remarkable Spiritual awakening by the mercy and calling and wonderful working of God our Saviour Jesus Christ

I INVITE EACH reader to share with me the following story and description of how Jesus answered my prayer made earlier under an apple tree. He is able to reveal Himself to you in His own time and with your seeking heart. We just love you and want to share what has happened in our past years. Gloria had a similar experience as myself regarding the filling and renewal of herself with the powerful Holy Spirit of YHVH, six months before we were married, so God brought us together I believe. I will be happy to make an effort to relate my story as well as I can.

I remember from about the age of 17 I was an agnostic That looked on the bible as a history book and collection of various peoples ideas. I believed in the creator God but didn’t know who exactly He was. I didn’t believe that that mysterious God would torture people in Hell, but then I didn’t understand anything about the Holiness of God and our responsibilities for our actions and that there is what they call karma in that we reap what we sow and in eternity it continues. What I know now is the utter unspeakableness of what Jesus Christ did for us in giving His Life’s Blood to cover and blot out all those acts of ours that would amount to hell for us in eternity, without God’s Unspeakable Gift of cleansing by the Blood of Christ so we could then be in His loving abode forever. Without possesing real faith in Christ’s sacrifice and covering blood for us we would be reaping the results of our sinful natures seperated from God with the reaping of our own sin forever, hell indeed. At that time I did not know what the bible revealed, “that all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God” that I was included in that scripture. My faith then was limited to about the sum of my own intellect and my parents did not offer any teaching on the matter. I think A subconcious uneasyness in not knowing things for sure would later, I believe, prompt my prayer under the apple tree. I loved nature and the wilderness and that was heaven to me to be hiking up in the mountain gardens of God.

When I was 19 I entered the Uof W and stayed with my agnostic aunt school teacher at her nice home in the university district of Seattle. While at the university I think was my first signs in myself of moral awakening, as there were temptations presented there that I had not grown up with and I found something in myself that was revolted by the loose activities of city students.

At the UW I took english and german, geology, art, etc. as I remember, but after the first year my UW life was cut short by the need for my help at home on the farm because of my dad’s failing health. That spring working among the apple trees, the spirit of the living God began ministering to me in earnest. I had a powerful experience of not sleeping all night but strangely moved and excited by the new life springing forth on the farm as I worked close to nature. At dawn with a beautiful song of a bird. I became definitely aware of my Heavenly Father overhead and manifesting his love and fatherhood to me, so I was no longer an agnostic, but I knew he was there, I felt I was a son of his like Jesus was. Not knowing much of the bible, the feeling of son ship and closeness of the Father to me was so strong thst I thought I was a reincarnation of the historic Jesus. And prophetic vision of knowing what was going to happen before it did reinforced such thoughts, which were because I did not know the bible but was being loved upon by the Father God. It was my problem , not his, that got sorted out later when I became more instructed and learned in the bible.

The provision of the Father to see that I got instructed in the bible was quite fascinating in the loving way God deals with us. I fell in love with the next door farm neighbor girl. She was a beautiful farm girl and we loved to be up in the mountains together in God’s gardens. We were soon happily married and enjoying life on the farm making gardens around our cottage, I remember our tall sky blue delphinium and bright portulacca and sweet thompson seedless grapes I was proud of. We carried
a baby Grand fir tree in my backpack when coming home from a hike up the creek and planted it, it was about 10 inches high on the outer edge of our strawberry bed by the back door. ( it is now 85 feet high and 5 feet in diameter at the base ) It grew and my faith and knowledge grew as Father nurtured us. But the point I wanted to make about Father educating me was through my new family, because they were strong Bible Christians and of coarse I wanted to go along to the church meetings every sunday, where I started to get the education in the bible that that Father expected me to get.

Ten years later after being baptized in the lake and making confession of faith about Jesus as savior, I still was not understanding how that Jesus was the only door to God, because God had showed Himself to me as Heavenly Father before I was established in the doctrines of Christianity. So still seeking to know God better, I had a little new testament that I carried in the pocket of my coveralls as I worked in the orchard and I remember graphically taking breaks from work and reading along in the little testament and where it came to the part where Jesus said that whoever believed in him would not die, but had everlasting life.(John 5:24). I knew that I liked jesus very much, loved him like a brother, and Loved our Heavenly Father, but couldn’t say that I definitely believed he was who he said he was. I saw I needed help from God to help me see the truth Jesus was talking about. I prayed under that apple tree that day that God would help me to have that kind of knowing faith that Jesus was talking about in John 5:24.

So thus started a new chapter in my life that would would end with an answer to my prayer made under the spple tree that was too amazing to be even thought of by me and hard to accept by casual hearers of it. you see God, YHVH of the bible awakened me out of a sound sleep one early morning in the spring of 1960 after I had been fasting and praying for 3 days without food while working days in the orchard because I was so hungry to hear something from God in my understanding. I had had a distant loving knowledge of Him, but now here this morning He was in my face.

My awakening from a sound sleep about 2 AM was sudden and traumatic as His Holy-Holy-Holy presence was manifested before my being and I was terrified and felt like a mass of corruption in His holy presence. I wanted to understand the truth and I got the full measure of it. I was living what I found in the Bible what the prophet ISAIAH6:5 had said when confronted by God “Woe is me! for I am undone, because I am a man of unclean lips and dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips for mine eyes have seen the King, The Lord of Hosts”! and the prophet DANIEL 10:8, he said: “therefore I was left alone and saw this great vision, and there remained no strength in me: for my comeliness in me was turned into corruption and I retained no strength.” As for me my soul was laid bare.

The bible states it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God (Hebews 10:31) and I was experiencing it, I was terrified, But He had prepared me because that I had learned about the Love of the Father for us in giving his son called YASHUA or Jesus in our language, and Jesus mission was to save men as the lamb of God sacrificed that His pure blood would cover all men’s sins who would call on God. In my terror I could now understand the answer to what I had asked God to show me and make me a believer like Jesus wanted me to be, to have His eternal life and not be without understanding of the truth of His words like I was when under the apple tree resting and reading my little new testament.

So in my being of human corruption in terror before the power and majesty and Holiness of YHVH, so in my heart, (I couldn’t speak,) I desperately cried out the name of JESUS, and something remarkable and above what I could ask or think happened, quite slowly that Terrible Holiness came over to me and touched me starting at the top of my head physically and moving down over and through my whole body to the tip of my toes, His hands on my heart changing and cleansing it and then immediately rapidly my Holy Spirit filled body was lifted up above the earth to where there was a whole new realm around me. The Love of the Father was over all and beauty that was so intense as to be indescribable was all around me. There were new smells and understandings of the Bible as God’s Word to the world, Stories in the bible took on hidden meanings of spiritual truth. I had no idea but that God had lifted me and others out of the world in the resurrection dispensation. It was only after quite a while at being amazed at the power and amazing life and beauty of this abode with Father’s Love, presence looking over, that I became aware that I was in a vision and visit to God’s abode and now the the Glory and Beauty was fading as I found myself was back on the earth, but I will never be the same again, and the memories are still real and fresh this 45 years later. He answered my prayer to establish my faith in a way and means above which I could not imagine. The bible says that He will be found by us if we will seek Him with our whole heart which evidently I was doing. It just shows how much he loves me and you, and I understand now that Jesus resurrected life is my righteousness. I learned by this awesome experience that, the Mercy and life of God was given to me through the power of calling in desperation on the name of Jesus. (not me trying to be good), The Glory is Christ’s! My religion now is simply the name of Jesus, Like Paul in the new testament said , “I am determined to know nothing among you but Jesus Christ and Him crucified.(1 Cor.2:2) Jesus, the communication of God, the Word of God, the life of God to mankind, My sufficiency, everyone’s sufficiency when they understand. the simplicity of true eternal life, that is in Jesus. The Bible–1 John5:11, says it thus: “God has given us life, and this life is in His Son.”

The Jews will know Him when He appears the second time in Glory, I want to leave you with a prophecy from ours and their book, Zechariah 12:10, a prophecy of the appearance of the Messiah–“-And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon Me, whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for Him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.” (sorrow for what they did to Him, crucifying Him) (but all our sins were on Him.We all killed Him, He bore all our sins and died and was ressurected that we might rise clean with Him in resurrection life) now in our spirits and in new perfect bodies when He returns

With Love, in Jesus Christ from Joe

evergreenman2019 AT@

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