Marlies Zechner on divine healing

Chapter 6 – Jesus still heals today

When Jesus walked the earth he healed the cripple, the blind, the epileptic,
the deaf and the dumb. No disease or sickness was too big, or small for
Jesus. The apostles followed in their Master’s footsteps, and by the power
of the Holy Spirit and the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, many were healed
and delivered from sickness and disease. Over many years, due to unbelief
by God’s people, miraculous healings dwindled to the point, where they
were no longer seen as being applicable for today. Yet Hebrew 13:8 states:

“Jesus is the same, yesterday, today and for ever.”

People who are only religious and do not know Jesus personally feel
that it is God’s will for them to be sick. Yes, in some cases God allows
sickness in a person in order to draw them to himself. Many people only
ever turn to Him when in need. Sadly to say that was the case with me.
The Bible also shows that God punished people through sickness.

2 Chronicles 26:16

“but when King Uzziah became strong, he grew arrogant, and that led
to his downfall.
He defied the Lord his God by going into the Temple
to burn incense on the altar of incense.”

2 Kings l5:5

The Lord struck Uzziah with a dreaded skin disease that stayed with
him the rest of his life.

The best thing to do is to ask God if you have done anything wrong,
especially where unforgiveness is concerned, and ask Him to forgive you.

Many people never get healed because they haven’t bothered to ask God
why they are sick. Are you sick because there is a normal breakdown in
the body function; is God dealing with you; or is the illness due to demonic

Luke 8:1,2 Some time later Jesus travelled through towns and villages,
preaching the Good News about the Kingdom of God. The twelve disciples
went with him, and so did some women who had been healed of evil
and diseases:

Luke 13:10 One Sabbath Jesus was teaching in a synagogue. 11) A woman
there had an evil spirit that had made her ill for eighteen
; she was bent over and could not straighten up at all. 12)
When Jesus saw her he called out to her, “Woman, you are free from your
illness!” 13) He placed his hands on her and at once she straightened
herself up and praised God. The religious leaders objected to Jesus setting
this woman free on the Sabbath. Jesus replied: 16) Now here is this descendant
of Abraham whom Satan has kept bound up for eighteen years. Should
she not be released on the Sabbath?

There are also incidents in the Bible that show children being ill due
to demonic forces.

Matthew 15:22 A Canaanite woman who lived in the region came to him.
“Son of David!” she cried out. “Have mercy on me! My daughter has a
and is in a terrible condition.” 18) So Jesus answered her, “You
are a woman of great faith! What you want will be done for you.” And at
that very moment her daughter was healed.

Mark 9:20 They brought him to Jesus. As soon as the spirit saw Jesus,
it threw the boy into a fit, so that he fell on the ground, foaming
at the mouth. 21) “How long has he been like this?” Jesus asked the father.
“Ever since he was a child,” he replied.

Jesus healed the boy and told the father, “Everything is possible for
the person who has faith.” If we expect God to do something for us,
we really need to believe that he is capable of doing what he promises.

Over many years I have been healed and have seen many others healed.
If I am sick I claim Isaiah 53:5 praying, Oh Lord my God, Isaiah 53:5 says
‘We are healed by the punishment Jesus suffered, made whole by the
blows he received.’ I ask you now for the healing or wholeness of ……..
(whatever). I also tell the pain to go in Jesus’ name. I also tell any
symptoms of the illness to go. Then I thank God for healing me according
to his Word.

Healed from sclerosis of the liver

Lorraine had been given a death sentence by the doctors. So serious
was her condition that she was medically retired by the Education Department.
The situation looked grim, especially as she was the mother of a young
child. Nothing to say of the agony her husband would suffer at the lose
of his wife. After prayer God miraculously healed her. All praise and honour
belong to Jesus Christ for his mighty miracle working power.

June and bowel cancer

The knock on the back door wasn’t exactly welcome, for I was in the
middle of getting ready for work, and running late at that. Nonetheless,
I answered the door to find my landlord standing there, with tears in his

“June is in hospital. She is dying.” “What’s wrong with her?”

“She hasn’t been able to go to the toilet for twenty days. The doctors
say she has bowel cancer.”

I told the man that I would visit his wife that evening and closed the
door. As I walked towards the loungeroom, God said, “Rebuke the spirit
of death over her.”

“Wow”. I thought. So June is dying. I prayed as God had instructed and
hurriedly left for work.

That night I waved a bunch of flowers at June. Always as subtle as a
sledgehammer, June told me she didn’t want the flowers, but my prayers.
I promised to pray for her on the night before the operation. In the meantime
I sought God’s help on how to pray. The following was the result:

Rebuke the spirits of the whip Satan is sending out to break the bond
that Jesus has on her. Ask that God pour a burning mixture on that whip
and burn it, so that Jesus has total free reign in her. Ask that God put
his pace maker into her to control her heart, all her organs and that all
her bodily functions be co-ordinated fully. Pray that God would give her
the strength and will to fight through this. Ask God to make her body –
that part of the infection and decay – strong and untouchable by further
hurt from Satan. Ask that God cover her with His shield, his feathers,
like a mother hen and that Jesus allow His blood to flow from Him to her,
so that Satan cannot have her.

Before the operation I once again visited June. I impressed upon her
that I could do nothing for her, nor were my prayers of any use if she
didn’t call upon the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Great Physician. I took
her through a simple prayer and she asked Jesus into her heart. She also
asked for forgiveness for her sins and the healing of her body.

The following morning when the doctors operated, they found only one
large tumour, instead of the cancer, as shown by the X-rays. The doctors
could offer no explanation for what had happened.

The next step was to clean out the intestines. Once again I promised
to pray for June before the operation.

If Jesus’ followers, 2000 years ago were commanded to ask for the baptism
of the Holy Spirit, how much more should that command apply to us now.
For that reason I took June through a prayer asking to be filled with God’s
Holy Spirit. The next day the operation ran smoothly and a bag was placed
on the outside of her abdomen to drain the intestines. Miraculously within
two weeks the bag was removed and June, strong as an ox, was back digging
in the garden.

After several weeks I was surprised to find the whole family lined up
on the driveway, waiting for me to come home. “Mrs. Mrs.”, the landlord
cried, “June is in hospital again.” Apparently she had collapsed, because
her bowels hadn’t been functioning properly. I was unable to go to the
hospital that afternoon, but promised to pray anyway. Two days later I
finally had a chance to visit her.

“How are you June?” “Great, great!” came the reply. “Can you go to the
toilet yet?”

“Oh yes!” “When did you start?”

“Two days ago, about 4 o’clock in the afternoon.”

This had been the exact time I had prayed for her. My simple prayer
being, “Oh Lord my God please let June’s bowels function as perfectly as
on the day when you created her.” Praise God, June was totally healed and
never suffered from bowel problems again.

Healed from a terrible skin condition

Have you ever seen someone whipped? The skin rash I was suffering from
looked like I had been whipped. The swellings were extremely itchy and
burnt as if a blow-torch was being held at my skin. Needless to say I sought
the Lord on the matter.

Prayer 1/ Bind the spirits causing the swelling and inflammation
in Jesus’ name. Cover the rash with the blood of Jesus and say to Satan
that the rash is cleansed and healed by the blood of Jesus. Ask God to
pour out Jesus’ precious blood over you. In Jesus’ name and the authority
of His holy and precious blood the rash shall then be healed.

The rash still persisted.

Prayer 2/ Keep on praying as I told you to and rebuke those spirits.
Stand before God and ask Him to pour His blood and healing power over you.
Ask God to cover every blemish, every bit of the rash and throw them into
the deepest part of the ocean and you shall be healed. I will give you
passages from the Bible you are to sit down and read them to the
rash – Satan
. After you finish reading each passage claim your healing
by the power and authority He has invested in us, in order to cast
out demons.

There was a tremendous improvement, but not all of the rash had gone.

Prayer 3/ Your rash is gone! Ask Me to open your eyes to this.

The longer you think you’ve got a rash the longer it
will stay
. You must wipe the memory of that rash from your mind.
Ask Me to forget you ever had it, because the longer you let it annoy
you, the longer it will stay.

After this prayer the rash disappeared very quickly, until it was totally
gone. I learnt a few lessons from this experience.

(1) Be persistent, don’t ever give up!!

(2) The importance of trusting God’s Word. If His Word says we have
the victory in Jesus’ name, then just accept it.

(3) The constant emphasis on the mighty power of the blood of the Lord
Jesus Christ.

Hebrews 9:14 … how much more is accomplished by the
blood of Christ! Through the eternal Spirit He offered himself as a perfect
sacrifice to God. His blood will purify our consciences from useless rituals,
so that we may serve the living God.

Revelation7:14 … These are they who have come out of
the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white
in the blood of the Lamb.

Revelation 12:11 Our brothers won the victory over him
(Satan, by the blood of the Lamb and the truth which they proclaimed;

By the precious blood of Jesus the rash was defeated. Also if the blood
of Jesus can wash our conscience and robes white; how much more can it
wash us clean from sickness and disease. Jesus most certainly washed my
body clean from that terrible rash.

The above Bible verses, plus Colossians 1:20 & 2:15 and Hebrews
2:14 were Bible verses God gave me in relation to Prayer 2.

(4) Knowing the Word God and applying it to the situation.

Healed from haemophilia

As the grandfather and mother of my student sat opposite me during the
parent interview, I informed them that the child’s progress was not satisfactory.
Their response shocked me. “Don’t you know he suffers from haemophilia?
That is why he is absent from school so much.”

I could have slid under the table with embarrassment.

On one of the rare occasions, when he was in class, I decided to pray
for him. As I stood near him I prayed this simple prayer, in my mind.

Oh Lord, my God, please drain all the imperfect blood out of him,
and fill him with new blood containing blood clotting cells. Lord Jesus
let your blood flow through that boy’s body. Then I claimed the boy’s total
healing and wholeness, according Isaiah 53:5.

I finally realised that the child hadn’t missed classes for some time.
I asked him how he felt. The boy told me that neither he, nor his family
could understand why he hadn’t needed a blood transfusion for four weeks.
Usually, at least one transfusion a week would have been necessary. Also
due to constant injections in the left arm, the muscles had wasted away.
He was totally amazed that I had prayed for his healing and that God in
fact had worked a miracle. Praise God, when Jesus healed the blood condition,
he also restored the muscles in the left arm.

Guy’s skin rash

Guy had been suffering for some time from a skin rash. No amount of
medication had helped the situation, until God told me how to pray for

Ask that Jesus remove the dead layer of skin and take with it the infection.
Ask that Jesus would give him a new, more resistant layer of skin. Pray
that Guy may reach out and touch Jesus’ cloak and be healed. Pray that
the blood of Jesus cover every sore of that man. Tell Satan that Lazarus
had many sores and persecutions, but he still went to heaven, as will Guy.

Praise God, Guy’s skin rash disappeared.

Francisco’s skin rash

God is truly wonderful, for the work done on this young man’s face.
Francisco, a year 11 student, came to Bible study one lunchtime. His face
horrified and disgusted me. Except for his eyes, his neck and face were
covered with big pussy pimples. He looked truly revolting. During Bible
study I couldn’t help but ask if he wanted prayer. Without hesitation he
answered, “Yes”.

Besides praying for the boy then and there, I asked God for a word of
knowledge. (I Corinthians 12:8 “For to one is given by the Spirit the word
of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit”).

Rebuke the pins that Satan has embedded in Francisco’s face, through
which all the poison is entering. Command that the pins be removed and
that the antiseptic of the Lord Jesus Christ fill the gaps. Ask that God
siphon all the blood vessels under the skin which have been poisoned. Ask
that God remove the impure blood from the cells and replace it with the
perfect blood of Jesus Christ. Ask that God wrap himself around the skin
and protect it from all the environment and satanic elements.

The surest way to know that you have prayed correctly is by the results.
Within days there was a tremendous improvement in the boy’s skin. Three
weeks later there wasn’t a pimple left on his face, nor were there acne
scars. Praise God!

My foot

If I sat, or stood in one position for a while, it became very painful
to move my foot again. (Ezekiel 6:3) Ezekiel spoke to the mountains, the
hills, the gorges, and the valleys. He also spoke to the “very dry bones”
in the “valley of the bones” (Ezekiel 37:1-14). He commanded the bones
to be covered with sinews, muscles and skin, finally commanding the wind
to breathe life into them. God gave me a similar prayer for my foot.

Take hold of your left foot and say in Jesus’ name, I take all the blood
vessels, tissues, ligaments, bones; everything that makes up that foot
and tell them to release that pain in Jesus’ name. Tell them that you pour
out the blood of Christ on that foot and that pain and they can’t disobey,
because they are dwelling within the temple of God.

How wonderful to read in God’s Word, 2 Corinthians 6:16, “We are the
temple of the living God!” Likewise God showed me a powerful truth in this
Bible verse, Psalms 148:5&6 (Good News version):

5) … He commanded, and they were created;

6) by his command they were fixed in their places forever and they
cannot disobey.

My blood, bones, tissues etc., are created, therefore they cannot
disobey a command in Jesus’ name. As expected, my foot responded to the
Word of God and has never given me any trouble again. Also bear in mind
that the Devil and his angels are created beings and likewise cannot disobey
a command given in Jesus’ name.

Erika’s Headaches

Erika used to suffer terribly from headaches – not anymore, praise God.

Rebuke the clamp on her head and ask God to unscrew that tension. Also
ask God that he would put a protective cap on her head to stop her from
getting further tension headaches. Also that Jesus would fill her with
His peace.

Marisha – Mental disorder for 12 years

For twelve years Marisha had been in and out of mental institutions.
The situation put tremendous strain on her husband and children. God gave
me the following prayer for her.

Rebuke the spirits of depression, suicide and unwillingness to go on
in life. Ask God to fill her with the need to live. Ask God to allow her
to see the little she has done in her life and therefore make her realise
she’s lived too little of life. She’s only got one short life and she shouldn’t
lose it. Rebuke that which has a hold on her mind showing her the uselessness
of life. Name the number of the demons.

Within three weeks Marisha was out of hospital, totally restored.

Stating the number of demons – God showed me the following:

Sometimes you have to say the number of demons, in case you are not
forceful enough with a particular demon. Naming the number gives you more
authority against them, when you tell each demon to go, because you’re
staring them in the face, telling them to go.

Anthony – Diseased Glands

Anthony, a friend of my daughter’s, came to our home when he was 17.
After a while he accepted Jesus into his heart and was baptised.

One day he came to me and asked if I could pray for his throat. Since
he was a little child he had suffered from swollen glands. At times they
would swell so much that he would have to be hospitalised and put on a
drip. At times his condition became so bad that he couldn’t swallow his
saliva. There was the constant fear that he would one day choke to death.
As I was about to pray, God said to me:

“Why don’t you just ask me to cut out the old diseased glands and give
him a set of new ones?”

Praise God! How easy!! Anthony, for many years now has been totally
healed and delivered from that condition.

My crippled Right Leg

The abdominal operation had been simple enough. Complications set in
when the doctor accidently cut the nerve to my right leg. I woke up from
the operation and had no feeling in my leg, from the knee down.

For more than a year I had to wear special shoes with a brace attached
to help me walk. Gradually the muscles wasted away and died. The leg shrunk
to 25 cm in circumference. On a daily basis I prayed to God to heal my
leg, finally after one year feeling returned and the muscles started to
develop again. Today my right leg is as normal as my left leg. Only near
the ankle is a small patch that has a feeling of pins and needles. God
told me this would be a reminder to me, of how he had brought my leg back
to life,

Jesus healed the cripple two thousand years ago; things haven’t changed,
only people’s faith!


His hands were always hidden in his pockets. As he held the pen I realised
why; they were covered in warts. Warts grew upon warts, they looked like
little mountains.

“Brad, come and see me at lunchtime and I’ll tell you how to get rid
of those warts.” When he came, I offered to pray for him. His face said
it all; utter disbelief! I can’t remember what little prayer I had said,
but God had heard it, because three weeks later he came and showed me his
hands – not one wart was left. At first I thought he was joking and maybe
he had undergone a skin graft. However, he assured me that a few days after
I prayed for him the warts turned black and fell off.

The same situation arose while teaching at another school. This time
the student even had a large wart growing on his eye lid, there were others
on his arms and legs as well. He was in a worse condition than the child
at the previous school. Once again I told the child that Jesus could heal
him from the warts. I prayed a simple prayer, commanding the warts to die
from the roots up. When Jesus commanded the fig tree to die “all the way
down to its roots”. I used the same principle on the warts.

Sonja’s Broken Arm

Praise God he is still in the miracle working business. We had gone
to a barbecue organised by my grandson’s football team. Together with other
parents my daughter and I took it in turn to supervise the children. Sonja
went downstream and I went upstream. Twenty minutes later there were cries
for help, not from the children, but Sonja.

By the time I arrived people could be heard saying, “Oh no, she’s broken
her arm.” Somebody made a sling for the arm, for it and the fingers had
become badly swollen.

As I left the bottom of Macquarie Pass, Sonja tried not to cry and begged
me to pray against the excruciating pain, as well as praying for God to
heal the broken bones. Although the bones did not actually come through
the flesh, they were sticking out, as she had fallen with all her weight
on the point of the elbow.

I prayed as asked. After ten minutes of driving my daughter told me
that her shoulder, arm and hand had gone numb and that she felt no more

When we arrived at the hospital they laid her on a trolley. The doctor
examined the arm and Sonja heard him whisper to the nurse that he might
have to operate.

Needless to say while we had been waiting for the doctor to come and
then for the X-ray to be taken, I prayed earnestly. The X-ray showed
no fracture, chipped or broken bones. Also miraculously the bones had gone
back into place and the swelling went down. The doctor upon examining the
X-ray, having seen the arm, could not believe his eyes. He prescribed a
strong pain killer, but as God had already given Sonja a sedative she didn’t
need to take even one tablet. Although there was no pain while the arm
was held still, the amount of pain or discomfort, when the arm was moved
did not warrant pain killers. Massive bruising came out on both the elbow
and hand later on.

Later that evening some of the parents rang to see how things were.
They could not believe that there were no broken bones, but as I pointed
out there had been broken bones – only God had mended them.

Kim’s Paralysed Arm

In late September 1996, while visiting my daughter I met her friend
Kim. Due to an accident her arm had become paralysed. After four weeks
of everybody praying for her nothing had changed. Once back in Sydney,
while pottering around the flat, God spoke to me and told me to pray for
Kim’s arm. This was about 11 a.m on a Thursday morning.

The next week while visiting my daughter’s place I happened to answer
the phone; it was Kim. To my surprise when I asked how her arm was, she
said it was perfectly normal again. Apparently the previous Thursday she
had been to the doctor in order to start electric shock treatment. Just
as a matter of course the doctor had asked if she could move her arm even
slightly. Incredibly, much to the doctor’s and Kim’s amazement, she lifted
the arm above her head. This had happened at the same time I had prayed.

My prayer had been that the dead arm would come to life again. I also
prayed according to Ezekiel 37:4-8, where Ezekiel speaks to the bones,
sinews and muscles.

Kristy’s Eyes

My granddaughter Kristy had been born with an inturned eye. At the age
of four she was operated on and the muscle was tightened. Her eyesight
was so poor that the glasses she had to wear were the thickness of a Coca
Cola bottle. Over the years my daughter and I had prayed to God to heal
the eye that wasn’t functioning properly, as well as giving Kristy better

A few months before her tenth birthday she complained that the glasses
she was wearing were causing her vision to become blurry. Besides that
she was complaining about headaches. We all thought this was an excuse
not to wear glasses any more, as other children were teasing her. To top
it all off, the bad eye started to turn in, even if only for a moment.
So my daughter decided to book Kristy in to the therapist.

Careful examination by the therapist showed that there was nothing wrong
with the eye. Even more amazing, when the eye sight was tested, it was
found that the vision had improved to such an extent that Kristy no longer
needed to wear glasses. The therapist’s verdict was backed up by the eye

God had allowed the eye to turn inward, to force my daughter to take
Kristy to have her eyes checked, for the glasses she had been wearing were
not suitable anymore and were doing more harm than good. Persistence
had paid off, even if it had taken almost ten years. Praise God Kristy
can see perfectly and does not need to wear glasses anymore.

Healed from AIDS

A homosexual man, classified as AIDS positive, was introduced to me.
I knew that the man was homosexual, but I didn’t know that he had a death
sentence hanging over him. As a matter of course I shared the mighty miracles
of Jesus with him. Later that night I prayed that God would give him a
second chance at life.

The following week when I spoke to him, he told me an amazing story.
The same night that I had prayed, he had also prayed for the first time,
since childhood. He had asked God to give him a second chance at life.
As he did so God spoke to him and said, “Marlies has already prayed for
you.” A few days later he decided to have more tests done; they proved
to be negative. I mentioned the fact that God had been wonderful to give
him a second chance at life. He looked amazed and asked how I had known
that he had asked God for a second chance at life. I hadn’t!

About two weeks later, God spoke to me about this man. I was to ask
him to give God the first chance to come into his life, considering he
had been given two chances. The news was listened to, but not acted upon.
Apparently the fear of man, and what other people would think of him, if
he became a Christian, was stronger than the gratitude for having received
a second chance at life.


From the few examples it is easy to see that no sickness is too big
or too small for Jesus and yet people die. The following two cases give
an indication why some people are not healed.


My girlfriend’s husband was dying from cancer. God gave me the following
prayer for him.

Ask that the molten blob be removed from his blood stream and that God
strain Evan’s blood through his sieve. Ask that he’d be filled with the
blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and that Jesus would give him the will to
fight through this sickness. Ask that Jesus would give him the sense to
get up and ask God – for he asks, fine, but lacks faith.
He doesn’t fully believe that God will heal him. Rebuke the feeling that
this problem is too big for God and the thought that it’s a problem that
needs to be healed with time, food and medicines,
but God is the only one who can heal him.

Evan died, he put more faith in the doctors than God. Also if we are
sick we need to get up and fight. This man gave in and died.


The following is a diary entry made in November 1996.

Loren rang to wish me a happy birthday; I wish she hadn’t. For almost
2 hours she argued why she should still listen to her meditation tape,
“Self Healing”, read “Positive Thinking” books and generally put her faith
in New Age
ideas, instead of trusting Jesus Christ for her healing.

After lunch while standing near the sink God said to me, “You see now
why I gave you the song, “I Surrender All” for her. I hadn’t sung, or even
heard the song for a while.

All to Jesus I surrender

All to him I freely give,

I will always love and trust him

In his presence daily live.

I surrender all

I surrender all

All to thee my blessed Saviour

I surrender all.

Loren hadn’t surrendered her New Age activities to Jesus Christ, yet
she expected him to heal her. She died a few months later.

Jesus healed when he walked the earth; he still does today. Dare you
trust him? I do!!

To read the rest of Marlies’ book – from which this chapter is taken, click here.

This book is copyright (C) 1998-1999 by Marlies Zechner. All rights
reserved. It may not be sold or commercialised in any way without the author’s
consent. It may be copied for sharing with friends provided this notice
is included with the copied text.

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