Left to die – but healed by Jesus

When I was 18 years old I lived in Texas. I had a job at a fast food resturant called Sonic.

I had a girlfriend named JoAnna. Since I loved her so much I was thinking about asking her to marry me.

On June 15, 1994, I did it, I asked her to marry. When I did she began to cry. After crying for a little while she said yes.

For the next three hours we discoused when we would get married. We set the date for June 14, 1995.

After we set the date I had to goto work. It was June 16, 1994, when I got off of work.

As I was walking home I was “jumped,” or attacked. My attackers hit me on the head with a lead pipe, shattering my skull and leaving me for dead.

When someone finally found me and got me to the hospital I was not expected to live. The doctors only gave me a 3% chance to live.

When my family was told they went to Jesus in prayer.

When JoAnna went to see me on August 13 she prayed over me. As she was praying over my comatose body she began to cry.

As she was praying and crying I put my hand on hers. When she looked at me through her tears I spoke. I asked her why she was crying.

She told me what had happened. She also told me that the doctors didn’t expect me to live.

I tell everyone how Jesus used His power to save my life.

I invite you to build a faith community together with me. Join my social media channels and let’s connect, especially if you want freedom or fullness in Christ.

My Telegram has a ministry channel. On Tiktok I have many videos and new ones regularly.

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