Keys to Being Led by the Spirit

My wife Marilena has been reading Kenneth E. Hagin's book "How to be Led by the Spirit of God". Its a book I read years ago and I have ignored some of the principles of the book in the last few years – no doubt to my own great loss.

We have this tendency to want to speak with a spiritual man or a prophet about what we should do in life, but this is a very dangerous practice even for sincere Christians.

What we need to do, according to Hagin in his book, is develop and train our human spirit, which has been regenerated by God when we were born again.

We need to strengthen our spirit man and keep the natural man subdued.

Some of the ways we can do these things by keeping these rules:

1. Meditate on the Word of God.

2. Put the Word of God first.

3. Renew the Mind. Obey the Word of God.

4. Pray much in the Spirit (tongues).

5. Obey the promptings of our spirit which is joined to God's Spirit. (Something which we are more likely to be able to do only once we have first followed the above).

6. Keep our bodies disciplined by never indulging them with as much food as they crave. According to Hagin we don't need to necessarily fast a lot, but we should consider living a "fasted lifestyle" – meaning we never eat all we want, which helps in keeping "the flesh" under.

It sounds simple but really this involved a total commitment to God and His Word. The rewards, however, are great, because if we submit to God's program He will grant us success in the things He is leading us to do.

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