Jesus Heals man of Tuberculosis and Cancer through Prayer and Fasting

About three years ago, I had an
unusual pain and began to run a
fever. I went to the hospital for an
examination, and after the X-rays
and tests were completed the doctor
told me I had tuberculosis and
cancer. I thought I would die soon,
and I became very depressed.

I had a great desire to live, so I sought a cure in a
number of different hospitals. But each time the
answer was the same, “There is no hope.”
Someone directed me to a Chinese doctor who, after
extensive examination, told me that not only could he
not cure me, but there was not a doctor in all the world
who could help me. “Only God, through prayer, can
heal you,” he said.

I wandered about the streets talking to first one person then another, asking the name and location of a
church that could heal and save me. Most of the people
answered me, “The Full Gospel Central Church.”
I had confidence that if I went to that church I could
meet God and He would heal me. In spite of my pain-
racked body, because I wanted to live, I went im-
mediately to ‘the church, where I heard the Word of
God and accepted Christ as my Saviour. It felt so
wonderful to know I was saved. I felt so good that I
thought I was also healed. When I realized my body was still afflicted with disease, I was full of sorrow and
my faith was almost destroyed. I thought I would die
as the doctors had said.

I wanted to live, not die, so I began to cry and pray
to God with all my heart. One of the members of the
church saw my need and suggested that I go to the
prayer mountain to fast and pray.

My mother and I went to the prayer mountain and
fasted for five days. It was during this fast that I began
to vomit blood, but I continued to trust God saying,
“If I die, I die.”

Day by day the pain and other symptoms subsided,
and I began to feel better. I knew that I would live. I
was so full of joy that I was not hungry and so thankful
for what the Lord did for me that I fasted an additional
six days, which were filled with joy and singing.
I suggest to any who are sick and have problems that
they seek the Lord with fasting and prayer. Christ said,
“This kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting”
(Matthew 17:21).

Now, through the mercy of our Lord Jesus and the
love of God, the sickness is gone. Not only am I completely healed, but I have also found eternal life. I do
not know how to thank God for all His blessings, but
my heart is full of gratitude to the Lord for delivering
me from darkness and desperation and giving me life.

-Sung Gu Kim
5-23Namgagoa Dong 2 Tong

Seodamun Ku
Seoul, Korea

Taken from “Korean Miracles” by Dr Ja Shil Choi.

Fasting, Key to Power

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