Jesus healed me of severe eczema/dermatitis!

Howdy all! 🙂

My name is Sarah (I’m 17 years old) and I will be sharing my testimony of how the Lord Jesus healed me of my heart-breaking, agonizing eczema. For anyone who has or is going through this awful condition, I pray that my testimony encourages you and strengthens you in your faith and walk with God.

Now, for the testimony!

I had been battling with eczema (which is an incredibly itchy, dry, inflammed skin condition) for a little over a year. I had been to countless doctors, who would often prescribe me topical steroids and emollients to soothe the pain. They never addressed the root problem though- but hey, it’s not their fault, they aren’t dermatologists after all. I did actually have a consoltation with a professional & qualified dermatologist, who charged around £200 for a pesky examination.

I felt awful because my mum and dad were spending so much money to try and help me. But nothing seemed to work.

Some days were worse than others, but all in all the disease never went away and never enabled me to enjoy a quiet, peaceful night sleep. Sometimes I would itch so much, I would wake up to finding blood and skin all over my bed covers. Short sleeves were a nono, as I had to hide my raw, diseased arms.

Now you can imagine for a 16-year old girl this was a heavy burden to carry. I went through stages of depression and sometimes prayed to God to take me back home to Him.

Obviously, God did not let me die. He had other plans for me. But I was still sick.

I read on Joyce Meyers website that meditating on the Word of God would heal me. Joyce talked about how Gods Word is medicine and how we don’t need to buy expensive drugs or countless pills to get well.

Wonderful, I thought! So I did just that. I decided to stop using all my creams and medicines. I printed out my healing scriptures, meditated on them as much as I could (sometimes I would lock myself up in my room to get the Word of God into me).

Gods Word sank into my heart and I really began to believe Jesus wanted me well. But my skin wasn’t getting better. It was getting worse. The itching was more intense, the disease began to spread from my arms to my thighs, legs, trunk, stomach, hands and underarms.

Huh?! Why isn’t it working? Foolishly, I just assumed this was God’s way of healing me. It would get worse before it got better I thought.

I thought this way for weeks. I let my body rot and spread the dangerous disease.

It got to the point where I couldn’t get out of bed because I was in so much pain, that I realized something wasn’t right. My mum (who is a christian) was horrified when she saw the state of my body. She decided to support me when I told her I was going cold turkety from the meds, but she never saw or knew the pain I put up with because I covered up well.

How foolish I was to believe that turning away from medicine was the solution! Now I’m not saying God doesn’t heal miraculously- of course He does. But He heals in different ways. So if you’re reading this and if you’re considering throwing away your medicine, please pray and be 100% certain it’s the Lord advising you to do it, and not someone else.

Anyway, back to the testimony. So there I was, feeling ashamed, embarrassed, foolish and useless. I was grieving the Holy Spirit by refusing to really let the Lord help me the way He wanted to.

So I went to the doctors and got my creams back. My doctor (who is also a christian) was incredulously shocked at how bad of a state I was in. My arms literally looked like they had 5 degree burns on them.

It wasn’t til one day when I was thinking about trying out a diet, that God properly spoke to me. “It’s gluten” whispered a gentle voice. Aha!

I began to research the link between gluten and eczema. It turned out what I had was a symptom of celiac disease- a nasty rash called dermatitis herpetiformis. The images shown on the page matched my body completely.

Phew, I thought! So I began to cut gluten out of my diet, trusting in the Lord to do what He could only do. Over time, my skin began to restore itself and the itchiness went away in a matter of days on the gluten-free diet.

I am completely free from that wretched disease- I can sleep without itching! My sheets have no blood stains on them anymore! I don’t have to live in fear anymore. I used to tread night times. I used to want to stay awake all night reading my bible in fear of falling asleep and scratching. I used to beg God to take my disease away. When in reality, God never wanted me to be stricken with sufferring.

God wanted to help me from the beginning: I just never asked Him what the problem was. I thought I knew better. I thought I could find a ‘cure’, when really the cure was in what I ate. It was a natural cure! God didn’t want me to waste my money, He didn’t want me to be alone or in pain. He wanted me to be set free, and He wants you to be set free too!

So there you have it folks- not your average testimony. But then again, God is unpredictable and His strength is made perfect in my weakness! I used to think diseases like eczema were hopeless. I used to believe that I had to go through pain to be a ‘good’ christian to prove my loyalty and love for the Lord. I’m so ashamed telling you all this, but it’s true.

I’m just so thankful that the Lord had mercy on me, and didn’t leave me in my darkest days (even when I was set in my own ways and grieving His Holy Spirit).

May all the glory, honour and praise go to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit forever!


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