Jesus – A Healer and a Blessing

As I begin to write this testimony, I welcome the Holy Spirit of the living God Jesus Christ, to do all things in and through me, for His glory. And I thank the almighty God, for giving me this privilege to testify to His holy name. The Preacher was preaching about the parable in the Bible, of the lost sheep. How the Good shepherd leaves behind the 99 sheep and goes looking for that one lost sheep. As 1 sat and listened to this teaching, I suddenly experienced the Holy Spirit touch me deeply. I realized that I was that little lost sheep, and that the Lord Jesus was looking for me, and was waiting for me to respond to his voice, calling me.

I’m forever grateful to my Shepherd, Lord Jesus who allowed me to hear His voice calling me. He called, so that I could respond To Him, and welcome Him as the Lord and personal savior of my life. To also receive, His beautiful Holy Spirit as my very best friend and companion for all time. What a wonderful exchange. For my sinfulness, the Lord gave me his righteousness. I thank you Jesus that you came to seek and save the lost. This saving grace I received seven years ago, at a retreat in Bangalore. I thank the Lord for the preacher for being instrumental in the salvation of my soul. When I left the retreat hall that evening, I was a new creation in Christ. My husband Vinteen noticed this change in me. He was at that time a Hindu and non-believer. He too wanted to meet this living God Jesus Christ, of whom I talked about. Shortly he attended a retreat, and was saved and gave his life to Christ. Praise Jesus! We started a new walk, as a couple in Christ, from that time onwards.

I was suffering for a long time with hormonal in-balance, ovarian cysts (Issue of Blood). Hence I could nut conceive and l:*car children. My husband and I prayed sincerely to the Lord fur a healing and to bless us with a child. The doctors had dune their best, but there was no cure for my illness. Surgeries too were not a guarantee for a full recovery. In our de-separation, we turned to God, our divine healer, and our only hope. We believed that God would work a miracle, and claimed his word that “”Nothing is impossible with God”” Luke: 1:37 and God was faithful and proved his word. On the 29^ of June 1997 1 received a complete healing. Halleluiah! Praise Jesus! I thank my divine healer and Master Lord Jesus for this miraculous healing. From that day onwards I have never experienced any symptoms of my earlier illness. Thank You Jesus, for giving me a new Life. I also thank my Husband and family members and all my brothers and sisters in Christ, for believing God and agreeing with us in prayer for this miracle. Glory to God! In the year 1999 my husband and I asked and his team to pray for us, that God may bless us with a child.

In June of the same year we heard that the preacher who conducted the retreat was visiting Bangalore; we immediately decided to invite him to our home. We welcomed this prophet of God into our home. He had received a word of knowledge and told us that God was blessing us with a child. This good news was received with great joy, by all who were gathered at our home, and our family and friends. Every one started praising and thanking the Lord for this Wonderful promise. God’s word and promise came to pass on August 25th 2000. Our elder son Aaron was born and in September 2002 our second son Immanuel was born. My husband and I come everyday, before the mighty God that we serve with a thankful and grateful heart, for these beautiful children of promise, with whom He has blessed us. We pray as earthly parents that Aaron and Immanuel will grow up in the ways of God, and that the Holy Spirit will teach them to Love God with all their hearts, with all their soul and with their entire mind MATIIEW 22:37. To also love their neighbor and be obedient to His word. And that the plan and purpose of God will stand firm for ever through generations PSALM 33:11.

We also thank the Lord for our family and our brothers and sisters in Christ for lifting us in their Prayers. God gave us a promise to hold on to, and that promise of God came to pass for His Glory. For his word says “”That every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord does not go back empty or void but will accomplish the purpose that it was sent for”” ISAIAH 55:11. and “”God is not a man that he should lie nor the son of man that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act, does he promise and not fulfill””. NuM23:19

I also thank the Lord for giving me safe, easy and pain-free deliveries for both the children. This was exactly what he had prayed for me over the telephone, when I requested him for prayer, just before the deliveries. Praise the Lord. Says the Lord “”Shall I bring to the moment of birth and not cause delivery?”” ISAIAH 66:9. For today I am out from under the curse, and into the blessings that are available to me and my family. For Christ became a curse for us on the cross, so that we may receive every blessing and enjoy life in all its fullness. And have life in all its abundance. All what the devil tried to steal kill and destroy, the Lord began to restore on to us. Praise God!

I thank the Lord for his anointed prophets and servants for preaching the undivided, uncompromising, and living word of God by which we have been wonderfully blessed. I pray that more and more childless couples would call on the name of Jesus; that is above every other name, and be blessed. I also sincerely pray that all peoples of the earth may come to the knowledge and understand the truth. I pray that the power of the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ which is within us, will continue to teach us to overcome every circumstance by His Word and the by the Blood of the Lamb, so that we as Christians may lead and live victorious lives in Christ Jesus for the Glory of God. Praise Jesus!

Carol Shah, Bangalore

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