Jain from Kerala healed of Psoriases

Jain was healed of an incurable disease called psoriases which creates painful scales on the skin, with itching and bleeds when scratched. Jain have been serving the Lord since the last 7 years.

My name is Jain. I am a musician from Kerala.

I have been serving the Lord since the last 5 years. I was healed of an incurable disease called psoriases which creates painful scales on the skin, with itching and bleeds when scratched. I developed this on both my legs below my knees. in fact i got this disease after i came to serve the Lord Jesus.

In spite of many treatments there was no respite. I continued to serve the Lord in my own way and slowly over the years, He healed my spirit, my mind and my beleifs until i became a new creation, totally submissive to his will.

Then , finally, during the inaugural retreat at the Solomon’s Portico at Kottayam, my name was called out and i claimed the healing. Then I enquired with the intercessors whether it was me they had been shown, but they could not except that the name was jain. so that night i prayed to God. that if He is healing me, to show me sign, that its a miraculous cure by healing me over-night. Not gradually, so that it can be attributed to something else.

Next morning I checked and found that the affected areas were free of any scales and the skin was light reddish in colour. The Lord had healed me, and he had also heard my prayer to do it overnight.

I thank and praise God, who is ever true to his promise that whatever we ask in the name of Jesus will be granted. Praise the name of Jesus !

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