Israel – Promise, Prophecy and Fulfilment

Old Testament promises and prophecies mentioning Israel did not fail, nor have they been delayed (as some Dispensational Pre-Millennialists assert), neither shall they be fulfilled instead figuratively in the Gentile Church (as some Post-Millennialists teach) – rather, the Promise was fulfilled literally on the ground in Israel, among Israelis, for Israelis and on time – THROUGH Jesus – through the GOSPEL.

It’s just that only believing Jews experienced it, as prophesied – then afterwards believing Gentiles also experienced it, also as prophesied. All believers then comprised a new body – the Church – without distinction. But it had to happen on the ground in Israel first, according to prophecy – and it did. That was called the Apostles’ doctrine.

The Gospel fulfilled the Promises to Israel, and in the exact time-frame which was prophesied – that’s how they knew Jesus is the Messiah. Then Gentiles also got saved – without needing to keep the Law.

JESUS is everything! God has no other future plan except the GOSPEL – for anyone, anywhere, ever. It’s the Gospel plus nothing.

The Gospel for ALL NATIONS was promised to Abraham before Israel ever was, and before the Law was given. The Law was later given exclusively for Jews, and only temporarily. The Jews’ privilege was to become the first to hear the Gospel, and the first to share it.

Despite widespread unbelief in Israel, the gift and calling of God was not revoked – therefore any Jew could still be saved, if he repented and believed in Jesus, believed the Gospel.

He that believes and is baptised shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

All the promises of God are yes and amen in JESUS, to the glory of God – by US who believe the Gospel.

Don’t you love the word GOSPEL! Don’t you just love the Name of JESUS.

He is the substance of the shadow – the sum of all promise and prophecy!

The Lord Jesus Christ and His Kingdom are coming soon!

We have received the Spirit as a seal for that Day. Now He gives signs such as tongues, healing, and casting out demons, which follow them that believe. He works with us, confirming this Word as we go and preach it.

And He will be with us until the end of the world!

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