‘In wide eyed wonder’ – and teaching about hunger for God and wonder

This is a song about renewing your love for the Lord, rekindling hunger for God and coming to God with an attitude of expectation that you won’t leave empty handed when you spend time with Him. I have received it from God last week and it’s about the attitude that I like to take when I approach God in prayer. You can read more details about that attitude below. Here is the song (forgive me for scratching your ears with my imperfect voice ;-):


It’s the attitude I want to have when I approach God in prayer. I know that He is the maker of all things, incredible, all knowing, all powerful God. There are so many facets to Him and I want to get at least a glimpse of each one of them.

I come with an attitude of wanting to behold Him, and like a child is waiting for a present to be unwrapped I wait to see what God unwraps for me of Himself. I go into prayer like into a mysterious adventure where anything is possible – cause anything IS possible.

In the Bible it says that:

“But we all, with unveiled face, beholding AS IN A MIRROR the glory of the Lord, are being transformed INTO THE SAME IMAGE from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.” 2 Corinthians 3:18

There is a principle here, whatever you behold you become, it works in the pozitive as well as the negative. If you behold Him, you will be transformed into being like Him.

I observed it says, from glory to glory – your image will be changed to be like Him, from glory to glory. It means you are seeing more and more glory in your times of beholding, or you can’t be transformed into the same image, from glory to glory. The image must be glory upon glory of the wonder and beauty of God … how exciting! As He unveils Himself, and show you each glorious side of Himself, each layer of glory, you will also be transformed into the same image, from glory to glory.

The greek mirrors in the time of the apostle Paul were not like our mirrors now. They were made out of bronze and were not very clear, you saw only a dim reflection of yourself in it, the same way it would look if you tried to see your reflection in a spoon made out of bronze. You can see the general contour of your face and some of the features, but the details of  your features will not be clear.

In the Bible it tells us more about how this beholding as in a mirror looks like:

“For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face.” (1 Corinthians 13:12)

So, we are basically told, if we put both Scriptures together:

“But we all, with unveiled face, beholding AS IN A MIRROR, (DIMLY), the glory of the Lord, are being transformed INTO THE SAME IMAGE from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.” 2 Corinthians 3:18

This is very encouraging to me. It tells me that even if I have prayer times when I might not seem to receive much revelation, don’t seem to experience God as much, I am still being transformed, even if I just got only one small glimpse of God. Even if I can only see Him dimly, I am still being transformed. This encourages me to know that I cannot loose or waste my time if I see God with a pure heart. I will never return empty handed, even if I can’t see the manifestation of the change. It’s just like a child who grows taller and stronger, but can’t tell you when it happened. We don’t always know when it happens, we might not be aware of the change, but change is assured based on God’s word, if we behold Him, even dimly.

I encourage you to carry this attitude of wonder, of faith that anything is possible and of faith knowing you will not come out of a time with God empty handed, even if you can’t see the change.

Go into it with hunger, ready to behold the God of the universe unveil Himself before you, glorious bit by glorious bit and enjoy this incredible adventure! You will never find times with God boring or discouraging – He can unveil Himself by His Spirit or through His Word, so carry this same attitude when you read the Bible and your times of devotion will be exciting, glorious and you will receive something that you need during those times, something that will take you from glory to glory.

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