Impossible to Possible – Part 1 – Dare to Win – by Rambabu

Impossible to Possible

The Lord Jesus was about to return to heaven. He knew He was leaving behind an unsaved world, nation upon nation that had not heard the gospel. Hugely different people with many different ways of thinking; a world full of problems and evil. Jesus had to hand over the responsibility of proclaiming the gospel to this world. And all He had before Him were eleven failures – His disciples!

One of them had denied that he knew Jesus.

Another had doubted eyewitness’ accounts of His resurrection and would not believe that Jesus had risen from the dead unless he could put his finger in his wounds.

Still another had said he would go wherever Jesus went and even die with Him but ran away.

Still another had said he would go wherever Jesus went and even die with Him but ran away.

It was to this dubious bunch that Jesus was handing over the task of reaching the whole world. If I were Jesus, I would have never even chosen those eleven, let alone trust them after what they had done. But Jesus did still go on trusting them, and gave them confidence with His declaration in Matthew 28:18:

“… All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.”

No doubt they were happy that all authority in heaven and on earth had been given to their Master. But Jesus didn’t stop there. He went on to tell them in Mark 16:15:

“… Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.”

At that the disciples must have missed a heartbeat! Perhaps they thought: “I’ve never even been to the other side of this city, so how can I go into the whole world? I’m too scared to stand up and speak in front of a couple of people, and Jesus tells me to go into the whole world and preach the gospel. It’s impossible!”

Yes, friends, the disciples were sent on an impossible mission of reaching out to people from all walks of life in many different cultures, which included many hotbeds of demons and witchcraft. But Jesus didn’t shrink from giving them this job, even though at that time they had no television, no microphones or P.A systems, no aeroplanes, buses, jeeps or cars. Today we have all these things, and much more, but imagine the gargantuan task that faced these men at the time they were commanded to “Go into all the world”!

If you were in their place, would you have expected to succeed? Now don’t be very spiritual and say “Yes, Rambabu”. Be honest.

Eleven failures who had rejected Jesus, who never Went out of their country even once, most of them uneducated and without resources, now had to bring the message to every creature! Does that really sound feasible, bearing in mind their circumstances and the means at their disposal? When I read this command in the Bible, and upend time meditating on their lifestyle, I can’t help thinking: “Not possible, Lord.”

I said to God: “I am Rambabu, and I live in this small city of Bellary. I’m just a teenager of 18, I’ve never been to church, I don’t know anybody outside India, no Christian outside my city knows I exist, and I’ve had no Bible training. These were my “impossible” conditions, fairly similar to the disciples of Jesus.

I thought for some time about how I could reach out to people with the gospel, and then asked: “Lord, you have commanded me to go, so that actually means I can go. But the question is how?”

You may ask: “I know Jesus can heal me but how? The preacher may declare that the Lord can build up my life. Or he tells me God can turn bitterness into sweetness. But in all these situations, the question is: ‘How can this be?’ “How can the impossible become possible?”

If you can take in what I’m sharing with you now, all impossibilities in your life will be turned in to possibilities. In whichever area of your life you have written the word “impossible” you will cross it out and replace it will “possible”.

Someone in the Bible asked the same question. Am! the answer she received is the same one God gives you am! me. Come with me to Luke 1:26 – 33:

In the sixth month, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. The angel went to her and said: ‘Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. But the Angel said to her: “Do not be afraid, Mary you have found favor with God. You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end.”

Here is a young virgin. She never knew a man. Yet the angel of the Lord appears to her and tells her that she is going to have a son.

Now ask yourself, can a young woman who has never had any relation with a man have a child? Is that possible or impossible?


The same thought troubles Mary, as we see in vers 34:

“How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?”

Mary’s confused mind must have been thinking: “God, you have sent your angel and told me that I will have a son. I’m your humble servant and I believe it, but Lord, How?”

The question you are asking today, the question I asked God, is the same one that Mary asked. Look at the answer she got in verse 35:

The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the Holy One to be born will be called the Son of God.”

When the Holy Spirit comes upon you and the power of the Most High overshadows you, all things are possible.

The disciples must have wondered how on earth they were to carry out the awesome task being given them just ii< Jesus Himself was about to leave them. Jesus gave them their answer in Acts 1:8: "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." The power of the Holy Spirit is what enables us to do the impossible. The Bible says, when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you shall receive power. That word 'power' comes from the Greek word 'dunamis'. And from that same Greek word, we get our word 'dynamite'! Jesus must have said: "Peter - you are a failure. You denied me three times. Thomas - you doubted me. You never believed in me. And you, my other disciples, you ran away from me when I was in trouble. All of you are like damp squibs. You can't make an impact on the world as you are now, so I'm going to change you. When the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you eleven dummy crackers and damp squibs will become dynamites." Where do you use dynamite? One common use is to break up rocks. When the dynamite explodes, the rock is blasted to smithereens. In front of Jesus' disciples was a hard rocky world, Damp squibs were not going to work on it. Jesus planned to turn each of them into a dynamite to blow up those hard areas. Remember this. For a child of God who has received the power of God and been baptized with the Holy Spirit, there is no hard area. You might say to me: "Rambabu, my city is a very difficult place to work for God. Nothing can happen here." Maybe that's true, but that is why God has made you a dynamite. In the 13 years since I began my ministry in September 1989, 95 per cent of the places I have preached in have been "hard" towns and cities where no one wanted to know God. If I get an invitation to preach somewhere that has thousands of believers, where churches are heaving with enquirers and revival is taking place, I know this is not where I should be and I decline the invitation. But if I am asked to bring the gospel to an area where few people turn up to meetings and no visiting preachers ever come, I remember I am empowered by God to be dynamite and I say: "This is the place for me!" One day while I was preaching in England at a leaders' Inference, I stated that I am not interested in preaching in the places where the action is but that I wanted to go to places where there is no action and begin the action. When I finished preaching, one dear man of God said to me, "Rambabu, you said you want to go to the hardest areas, then here is a challenge for you. The hardest place in the whole world is Germany. Will you please come?" We went there and held three gospel meetings. In that time 226 Germans gave their lives to the Lord. The Lord did miracles of healing: the blind saw and the lame threw away their crutches. Leaders told me we had made history! "This has never happened in Germany," they said. They asked me if I noticed any difference between preaching in India and preaching in Germany. They could not believe it when I said I saw no difference. So many people had said it was easy to preach the gospel in India and Africa but very difficult in Germany. The reason I found no difference was that the God I Worship in India is the same God I worship in Germany. The name of Jesus in India is the same name that I use in Germany. He is the same Holy Spirit in India as in Germany. The power of God is the same in both places - and I face the same devil. There is no Indian devil and German devil. If the devil obeys the name of Jesus in India, He will obey the name of Jesus anywhere in the world. You must stop thinking that what happens in one place will not happen where you live.

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