Impact your generation

Today I got to meet with two young leaders of two leading churches of my city. During our time of fellowship, one thing that stood out the most was the lack of fathers in our generation. 

Seems like we lack leaders who are secure in God. 

What every pastor must realize is that God has not just anointed them to equip the church but also to equip and release them into their destiny. 

Leaders seem to be happy to have powerful leaders in their church but as long as they are under them. Soon insecurity creeps in as and when popularity is questioned. The age old trick of the enemy. 

During our conversation, suddenly I felt the Holy Spirit surround us with His presence. Deeply moved by the Spirit I began to say things I did not prepare. I heard the Holy Spirit in me say this, “Dont wait to become older to father a generation, start now!” 

We didnt have to have grey hair to love and support a next generation. 

Philippians 2: 3 says, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.”

Let us remember it is not about me. It is about my generation. 

You dont need to have experience to be used by God. You dont need to have a degree or a special push from a special pastor. You just need to be available to the Holy Spirit. Jesus is in the business of using nobody’s. God is drawn to your in-capability. He has the power to create everything out of nothing. 

Begin simply by asking God to use you today to bless someone! Start on your knees interceding for someone that needs help. God will fill you with wisdom and power you never imagined. 

You may not be able to do everything for Jesus but you certainly can do something. Start by that. “And when you are faithful in the little, like the Bible says in Matt 25: 21, God will put you in charge of many things.”

Will you be available? 

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