” I Know There Is Power In Prayer “

This was typed February 11, 2006

This is my story of how Jesus brought me through my sickness. He lifted me!!! I never knew I really had a serious problem. I started having pain. I was told the pain was from my two Cesareans that I had. The pain got worse and worse. It was unbearable! The pain went on since 1995.

On August 13, 1998 I thought I had a bad flu. I was in bed day and night for five days, and I also was vomiting for five days. I was SO weak!! My husband called my OB doctor, because he thought I was pregnant. The day I was supossed to go to the doctor, I ended up in the emergency room. The pains were SO terrible.

The morning I went to the emergency room, I was almost blue, I was dizzy and I had two seizures. My husband said my eyes were sunk in my head. I didn’t know what was going on with me. I knew I was being taken out of my house by an ambulance. I heard that if I didn’t get to the hospital within ten minutes, I would be dead! My oldest daughter Robin, now twenty, said,” Please don’t let anything happen to my mom.” The ambulance crew couldn’t get any blood from me. They said,” This lady is crashing.” I prayed and asked God to take care of me and to watch over my family.

This was the second time I was in the hospital to spend time there. When I was younger, I had seizures. I had pelvic epilepsy. The doctor told me after I had children, the epilepsy might go away. I had a EEG when my second daughter Melissa, who is now ten. The results came back negative-Jesus healed me!!

The seizures I was having this time was from dehydration and my body was weak, when I was SO sick. I was in the emergency room ALL day! My best friend started a prayer chain for me the morning I went into the hospital. My husband couldn’t stay with me in the emergency room, because of the complications of not getting blood from me and because of my critical condition. There were about twelve doctors and nurses there with me. After about four hours, they FINALLY got blood from me. I was SO happy!! I said,” Thank you Jesus.” The doctors and nurses had to get blood from my femur artery vein. The IV was hooked up for five days. I had MANY other IV’S beside that one. I had dear friends call me from the Internet, and I read my Bible Readings every day.God is SO good to me. I felt the Power Of Prayer!

It was about 9:00 PM, when I FINALLY got a room in ICU. I knew I was in good hands in ALL I went through.Jesus was ALWAYS with me. The nurses couldn’t believe that I had a smile on my face when I was SO sick. They then knew it was the faith I have in God.

I lived in Florida at the time. My mom flew in from Pennsylvania and stayed with me in ICU every day. I enjoyed her being there with me.
My dad and step-mom visited me from South Carolina for five days. My two sisters called me different times. They couldn’t come visit me because, they lived up north and they had jobs. My mom told me how fortunate she was to have me here. On Christmas, she told me the best Christmas gift this year was having me still here with her. We both cried. I know the best Christmas gift is having a personal relationship with Jesus. Jesus is the reason for the season.

I cried different times I was in the hospital. It was hard for my youngest daughter, because she was too young. She did get to see me through a window one day. That made my day!! The even harder thing was that my oldest daughter didn’t know how sick I really was. My husband had to keep from telling her because I was SO near death for three days. The nurses had to keep the pints of liquid I was vomiting. The nurses got fourteen pints of liquid I was vomiting. This was after I took medicine to stop the vomiting. The nurses told me I was vomiting my bowels.

I had MANY tests the five days I was in ICU. It was SCARY for me to go through each test. One doctor t old me I could have kidney damage, and I had ulcers. I kept praying and ALWAYS kept my eyes on Jesus.
Jesus brought me through each test. I had one test where the results came back that I had a mass in my abdomen. I was really SCARED!! I thought,” Oh No, it’s cancer.” Jesus is in control. HE was there for me.
I was to have surgery the next morning. My Pastor visited me and prayed for me before I went in to have my surgery.

Surgery went fine. What I had was an incarcinated hernia. The hernia could have ruptured at anytime. After surgery the nurses told me that I had to get up and walk around in a couple of hours. I prayed and asked God to touch me in a special way and to take away the pain, because I had ALOT OF PAIN!!! When I got up to walk, I felt a pull in my abdomen. It was an AWESOME feeling. Jesus took away ALL of the pain. I was healed at that moment!!!

I thank Jesus everyday for giving me a second chance of life, because you never know how many days you have left to live. The nurses couldn’t believe how I progressed SO quickly. They told me how fortunate I am to be here.
I told them Jesus gave me victory through this.

God has BLESSED me and my family. God is SO good!
Praise God!! My two daughters are saved!!!
God Bless!!!
Nancy Hartmann

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