How to Prepare for End-time Tribulation

Here are the words of Basilea Schlink on this issue:

Preparation starts today!

1. Every time difficulties and impossible situations arise now, I will believe in the omnipotence of God and His fatherly aid. I will not give place to worry, but completely trust in the Father’s tender, loving care, for He never gives me more than I can bear and always has ways and means to help. Then by the time persecution breaks out, I shall be ‘practiced in faith’ so that I can experience His aid.

2. Now I will bear my small bodily ailments – pain, weakness and fatigue – in faith in the power of Jesus’ blood that sustains me and renews my strength. Then I shall have practice for the future when the physical suffering wil be far greater.

3. Every time I am faced with hardship and meaninglessness, I will surrender my will, and when I am chastened, I will humble myself even more beneath the mighty hand of God. I will say, ‘Yes, Father, Your judgments are just – and so are the ones to come.’

4. I will look to Jesus ever anew, turning to Him with all my heart. And as I behold the Man of Sorrows, who is full of grief and affliction, the desire to suffer is implanted in my soul. I will look to Him, the mighty Victor, who has vanquished Satan and sin.

5. In faith I will claim Jesus’ redemption in my daily battle against my spirit of criticism, pride, stinginess, envy, self-will, egoism, anger, the desires of the flesh, and bondage to people and things. Then sin will not be able to weaken me in the future, and if I should be taken to a concentration camp, I can be a witness for Jesus when living together with others, by radiating His love and peace.

6. I will bear every hardship, great or small, out of love for Jesus, so that when I have to undergo pain and torment in persecution, my natural reaction will be, ‘I will bear it for Your sake, Jesus.’

7. I will live in close fellowship with Jesus now, conversing with Him at all times and doing everything for Him in love, so that love, which is the strongest power of all, will give me the strength to bear the suffering in time of persecution.

8. I will lead a life of prayernow, so that I shall be able to pray later. Prayer will be my deliverance in times of loneliness, temptation, suffering and torment, and when I am forsaken. Prayer will bring me Jesus and heaven on earth.

9. Now I will fight resolutely against my fear of others and my desire to win their favor, love, respect and approval, so that I can overcome cowardice. I commit myself to making and uncompromising stand for the Lord. I want to seek only God’s approval in all matters now so that later, during persecution, I shall be willing to pay the price.

10. I will do good now to those who hurt me and treat me unjustly by blessing them and showing them love in thought, word and seed. Then later I shall be able to meet my persecutors the right way, not judging them, but humbled because of my own sin and meek like a lamb, full of mercy towards them.

11. Every time I am at a loss as to what to say in some situation or conversation, I will trust the Holy Spirit implicitly to guide me and give me His words, now and also at future trials and cross-examinations.

12. Today I will count on the reality of heaven, which Jesus brings into our lives, and abide in this hope, so that during persecution I can rejoice, saying, ‘Suffering will come to an end, and everlasting glory will follow’

– from The Eve of Persecution – by Basilea Schlink.

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