How to be Healed through Jesus Christ

A message from Michael Fackerell

One of the great things about Jesus Christ is that He is willing to heal people of any religion. I personally have witnessed this so many times. Whether you are Hindu, Muslim or Christian you can come to Jesus for healing and He will heal you. When reading the Bible in the Gospel of John, Chapter 18, I noticed that Jesus even healed a man who came as part of a group to arrest Him and have Him crucified by the Romans. Peter, the disciple of Jesus, had cut off this man’s ear, while trying to defend Jesus and prevent His arrest. But Jesus showed that violence is not the way for His followers, but rather kindness and mercy. Only false Christians follow a violent agenda. Jesus reattached the ear to the man and he was totally healed. In healing the man Jesus revealed the power and love of God. To learn why Jesus did not resist arrest I encourage you to read the New Testament for yourself.

But the main point I want to make though is that Jesus loves you and wants to heal you. If Jesus will heal his enemies, He would like to heal you too! The New Testament shows Jesus healing so many who came to Him with faith. In Matthew’s gospel, chapter 8, a leper came to Jesus and worshipped Him, saying, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean”. Jesus touched him, and with compassion said, “I am willing. Be cleansed.” And immediately the person was cleansed of their leprosy. Remember that lepers were despised outcasts. But Jesus loves all such people. No matter if you are rich or poor, Jesus loves you.

We can see from this example of the leper that we must get into the presence of Jesus to receive healing from Him. When you get into the presence of Jesus you can usually feel it. There is something wonderful in the atmosphere that you become aware of when Jesus is manifesting His presence in a place. Jesus is present today through His servants who deny their carnal desires and seek to be vessels for the Holy Spirit, and to speak the words of Jesus and represent Him. Jesus can also become present for you if you will call out to Him with all your heart, no matter where you are – even if you are alone in your house. You do not have to be in a Christian church for Jesus to touch you, though many people find Him more easily in a church where the Bible is preached and people call upon the Holy Spirit in truth. Not every church does that. Sadly many churches are more concerned with rituals, traditions, money and political influence than bringing the love and healing of Jesus to the people. You must get past these barriers and stumbling blocks if you want to know the real Jesus and His healing power in your life.

When you get into the presence of Jesus, one word from Him can heal you of anything. Some Christians act like real divine healing is a thing of the past, but to think like this is to think thoughts of unbelief. The Bible, not the Church, is the most reliable guide to the true Christian message, and the Bible says: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). That means, He has not changed. He still has compassion and will work in the lives of all who come to Him with faith. I myself have been healed by Jesus and have also brought the healing power of Jesus to blind, deaf, dumb and others who have been miraculously healed of all kinds of painful conditions by the power of the Holy Spirit. Hundreds and thousands of people have been healed by Jesus when they heard the preaching of the Word of God, and hands were laid on them in the name of Jesus. You too can be healed by Jesus. Through Jesus, there are many ways to receive healing.

Its important to realize that Jesus saw sickness as a work of the devil. The apostle Peter, when explaining the good news for the first time to non-Jews, said, “You know how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him” (Acts 10:38). We can see here clearly how sickness is viewed as an oppression of the devil. Jesus came to destroy works of the devil, and sickness is one of them.

When the power of Jesus, the power of the Holy Spirit comes into your body, it acts like a powerful spiritual medicine against the force of sickness and disease. If enough power comes, and is mixed with faith, you will be healed instantly. Other times, it takes repeated applications of this power, and patient faith to receive the full miracle. Some do not press right through and so only experience a partial healing, or perhaps never receive anything due to unbelief in them or others. But we should never give up. If you are not a believer in Jesus right now you may find it a lot easier to receive healing than many Christians, because God expects more faith from Christians.

The prophet Isaiah spoke about what Jesus would accomplish, even 800 years before it happened. In chapter 53 of the book of Isaiah, it is written that, “Surely He bore our diseases and carried our sicknesses … But he was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed”. This passage alone proves that it is God’s intention to heal those who trust in the work of Jesus. It stands as a perpetual rebuke to the unbelief of Christian and non-Christian alike. God wants to do it.

The prophet David said that God “forgives all your sins and heals all your sicknesses” (Psalm 103:3). This is a picture of what God wants to do for you. It is being experienced by multitudes today all around the world, but especially in South and Central America, Africa and in some places throughout Asia. It can happen for you if you can get to Jesus and hear His Word to you.

You see, even from the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry, it was recorded that Jesus was, “healing all kinds of sicknesses and all kinds of diseases among the people. They brought to Him all sick people who were afflicted with various diseases and torments, and those who were demon-possessed, epileptics, and paralytics; and He healed them. (Matthew 4:23, 24). Remember that Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever. He did it then, He is alive, He can and will do it today if you can really get to Him by sincere faith.

God will “send his Word and heal you” (Psalm 107:20) if you will come to Jesus and act in faith for your healing. Do not listen to the voices of despair, doubt and skepticism. Only believe, for, as Jesus said, “If you can believe, all things are possible to those who believe” (Mark 9:23). Let me assure you that Jesus Christ was not a liar. What do you think?
Many are physically healed by Jesus but do not want to follow Him afterwards. This happened with many Jews who followed Him on the streets of Galilee and Judea, before He was crucified and resurrected. So many thousands were healed but only 120 true disciples of Jesus waited for the Holy Spirit after the resurrection. I think this ungratefulness is a shame, but you must realize that Jesus is happy when anyone of any religion is healed, because Jesus loves people.

If you though would like to know Jesus personally, and follow Him, either before or after you are healed by Him of any bodily illnesses, you are free to make that choice. By all means call upon Him for healing, but remember that healing is a part of His salvation, and it is a greater thing to have your soul healed, to be forgiven of all your sins, and to have a new life from God. This is available to all who put their trust in Jesus, believing that He died to take away not only their diseases and curses but also their sins and evil deeds, along with the punishment due. If you would like to call upon Jesus for salvation, here is a model prayer you could use:

Dear God in Heaven,

I come to you because I need your forgiveness. Also I cry out to you for healing of both my body and my soul. You know the evil in my life. But I now believe that you want to free me, and give me a new life. I invite Jesus Christ into my heart and life to be my Lord and Savior. I believe that Jesus died to pay for all my sins, and rose again. I receive you Jesus as my healer also. Jesus, I thank you for your love and for the salvation you earned for me. I receive your gift of life. I confess and turn away from all my sins. I ask you to fill me with the Holy Spirit, free me from sin, unbelief and fear, and lead me to people in the family of God so that I can be a real follower of you. Thank you. I believe you have worked in my life and I now confess you as my Savior, Lord and Healer. Amen.

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