Holly – delivered from suicidal thoughts

I have been saved now for 6 years now. As a child I felt unloved and

uncared for by my parents.  When I was 13 years old I started dreaming

and dwelling on violence. I had dreams of killing other people and had

wanted to act some of them out. I went through a year long depression with

these dreams and thoughts my only escape from the pain. I had decided that

enough is enough and had made a suicide plan. I didn’t want to live anymore.

One day I went to church thinking it couldn’t hurt. Then I was introduced

to Jesus. I kept going and on January 1st, 1992 I gave my heart to Him.

I finally found something to live for.

Everything was OK until last Fall. The dreams had returned with violent

mood swings and behavior.  I had cut my arms up to cause myself pain.

I didn’t feel I was worth anything because I had this  violence inside

my mind. I have been hospitalized a total of 6 times between then and now.

August, 1997 I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. More about that can

be read on my Bipolar page. I  have been praying and praying for healing.

My church family has backed my up 200% in prayer as well. I now praise

God for as of June 7, 1998 I AM HEALED!! I am now seeking and praying for

what he will have me to do. I am living on His word as He molds me into

what He would have me to be. He has called me to do my Web Site and I believe

He will continue to bless me as I work for His sake. To God be ALL the

glory!! I have direction and hope now. “We have this hope, as we are very

bold.(2 Cor. 3:12). I am certain of my heavenly home because I have accepted

Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I live excited for each new day. God has opened

every door and is continuing to guide me through everything until I get




 /_//     Holly (Llama 4 Christ)  <><

 _  /     E-mail to: [email protected]


“‘I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord. ‘Plans to prosper

you and not to harm you. Plans for a hope and a good future'”


–Jeremiah 29:13

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