Hindu Brahmin Girl delivered from drug abuse and other sins

A Wonderful testimony from a Brahmin Girl from Hydrabad (India)

This is a letter received on 21st April, 2001 from a college student named Miss.Saraswathi from Hydrabad City in Andra Pradesh State of India. The only editing changes have been to do with some spelling changes and punctuation errors – MF

Dear Pastor David,

First of all I convey my best wishes and loving greetings in the sweet Name of Saviour Jesus Christ.

I met you on 15th march, 2001 in Kanyakumari-Madras Express Train. It is true that we did not get much time for conversation, but however, the christian counselling I received from you was quite capable to convert me from my sinful life, and furthur, the final prayer you made pierced my heart. From that day onwards I began to live a faithful life to my Lord Jesus Christ, by living a holy life reading the Holy Bible and Praying every day.

I hope my testimony will help in converting many young students from sinful life to a Holy Christian Life.

My name is Miss.Saraswathy. I am a college student studying in the 2nd year in B.E.Course. I belong to a Brahmin Hindu family. My parents praticsed me in Idol worship. My family is well to do and so I do not experinced poverty and suffering, as I am the only daughter of my parents, they loved me so much, everything I wanted from them was given to me.

During this period I happened to come in contact with a young man, he was older than me by two years,at that time I was studying in 12th standard in the school and he was in his second year in the college. I know my parents will not agree with this love because I am a Hindu Bramin, but he was a hindu of some other caste. Thus ,our love prospered day by day, I loved him whole heartedly with out my parents knowledge,as he was poor comparitively, I used to help him with all my pocket money which was given to me by my parents.

As soon as I passed 12th standard from my school, I joined in a college for my higher studies,I took B.E,Electronics and Communication as my main subject, because my boy friend is the same stream in his 3rd year, I am wantering to make more contacts with him using this opportunity, my college life seems more free from studies and parents, so I spend more time with him,so far I could not get any chance to understand his internal disposition.

One day I got a Chance to open his bag when we were in a park. I was terribly shocked when seeing the intoxicating drugs,cigarettes and 2 photos of rich young girls and several letters exchanged by those girls. This incident made me to cut off his love and relation.

He pretented to love me for two years,but it was a real cheat to get money from me. When I realised it,I cried bitterly and stopped giving him money after cutting my relation with him, and I met those 2 rich girls with whom he had contact and revealed to them about his cheat, so they too neglected him.

This made him so angry and he entered my class room with his friends when I was alone and tried to torture me. He could not do any thing, because the watcherman of the college appeared in the scene. All of them ran away seeing the watcherman.

Therefore I came to a conclusion that there will be no safety for me in this college and went home depressed and grieved. I did no reveal any of this incidents to my parents, but just told them that I did not like to continue my studies there. So they got admission for me in another college with in a week.

My life in the new college began to grow bad to worse. I could realise that my co-students were addict to drugs. I too began to use drugs in order to set right my mental strain caused by my love failure and worry. Not only with drugs I also addicted to the Cyber sex. I was in front of the computer for whole night,and thus my life was more worse than ever before.

As soon as this news reached to my parents through my friends,they were worried and distressed too much and they beleived that relief from this fatal pratice could be obtained by pilgrimages to hindu temples of Varanasi(Banaras),Rameswaram and Kanyakumari.

Accordingly they pre-planned a trip to those places,we went to Varanasi(Banaras) first,then to Rameswaram and finally to Kanyakumari. But the pity thing is the idol worship and holy baths in that places of pilgrimage could not do any good to me. Finally we returned from Kanyakumari to Hydradbad via Madras. We meet you in Kanyakumari-Madras Express Train which you borded in Nagercoil town.

Pastor David through your Convertation you have clearly explained the Way of Salvation through Jesus Christ. I could clearly understand, believe and experinced that my sinful life has transformed through Lord Jesus Christ. I believe His blood in calvary cleaned all my lusts and sins, I beleive in His Death and Resurrection on the third day and I am experiencing this every day in my life with a great peace and consolation in my mind. My parents along with me also beleives that Jesus Christ is the only way for salvation and He is the only living God.

Our Heart-felt thanks for the free Bible,Bible study Book and many Christian Counselling Pamplets for youth. It is very much useful in improving my faith as well as my parents faith in Jesus Christ. Now I am totally set free and my mind is over flowing with peace and happiness. I am praying and crying for my friends to beleive Jesus Christ.

My mind grows with a great passion to serve to Jesus in this only life. The last lesson in your Bible study book: ‘How to live for God’ is pulling me to preach the unchangeble powerful word among the people deserving salvation. Please keep in touch. I am praying for your Christian instution and all the missionaries working with you to spread this powerful word of Salvation through Jesus Christ.

Pastor David,we enclosed a Cheque for 10,000 Rupees a Gift for your Christian work,please accept it and you are always welcome to spend time with us when you come to Hydrabad.

Thank you,Thank you.

Your dear sister,


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