Healings In Romania

On the first Sunday in April I was taken by a brother to a certain community
not far from Bucharest. There I was given the opportunity to preach the
Word of God. I shared about the Kingdom of God, pointing out that this
was the message of good news that Jesus brought. Jesus taught it and also
demonstrated the reality of the Kingdom by healing the sick and casting
out demons.

In substance my message was: there is much injustice in this world,
but God has invaded this world with a new order. God comes when invited,
so we need to pray. When the Kingdom of God comes, righteousness, peace
and joy are the result. God can make you happy. Ask Him to do it. We are
in a battle against Satan and his kingdom. We must fight. Nevertheless,
when God’s kingdom manifests, good things happen. God is good. God’s Kingdom
in our bodies means divine healing and health. When demons are cast out,
God’s kingdom advances. The Kingdom of God is the place where Jesus is

I also explained to the people that we can overcome Satan by quoting
the Word of God, as Jesus did in the wilderness when confronted with Satan’s
temptations. I explained that in an atmosphere charged with the Holy Spirit,
the proclamation of the Word of God in faith will produce miracles.

After preaching on this subject, I invited people who weren’t sure if
they were forgiven by God, who would like to receive Jesus as Lord, King
and Savior, to come forward to pray. One by one they came, and in the end
about 8 people prayed to receive Christ. I had first explained to them
that Jesus had taken all their sins at the cross, and all the curse, so
they could have God’s blessings. They really believed that Jesus came into
their lives. My simple instruction for them was to keep coming to the assembly
so they would learn how to grow in Christ.

After this, sensing the peace of God, I explained that healing should
follow the preaching of the message of the Kingdom. I asked those who had
pain in their body to stand. Of the 40-50 people present, a number immediately
stood. As I mentioned other physical conditions more people stood until
virtually everyone except my wife was standing. The brother who came with
me wanted to anoint the people with oil, one by one, but the Lord gave
me a different approach. I led the people in a very brief prayer, \”Jesus
heal me\”. I then bound the spirits of infirmity, commanded them to go in
Jesus name, commanded body parts to be made new, bones to move into place
and so on. This was done through one prayer for all the people at the same

After that I asked people to do what would have been painful before.
They did, and then I asked for testimonies. So many people testified to
being healed! Praise the Lord! One lady told of feeling a fire going through
her body and all the pain inside going. A number were healed of back pains,
head aches and so on. People were healed of problems with internal organs.
All glory belongs to God, who truly did confirm the message of the Kingdom
of God that evening. Its such a joy to be able to use the authority in
the name of Jesus to destroy the ugly works of the devil through faith
in God and through the power of His Word.

Praise God!

Michael Fackerell

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