Some Healing Testimonies

  1. Faith Without Work Is Useless · A lady shares her son's miraculous healing story for us . In this testimony God shows us how to put our faith to work even in our trials and tribulations.
  2. Healing Story · read the story of 36 years old woman who got saved because of the miracle working power of Jesus Christ, santicified and filled with the Holy Ghost.
  3. Healing testimonies from Miracle Ministries Australia.
  4. Jesus The Name Above  · Jean shares his healing testimony here .. lets have a look at his story ..
  5. Multiple Miracles In New York · Anne was visited by an Australian lady Marlies Zechner. She was suicidal and had multiple physical and emotional problems. Here are some reports of how the Lord worked, which she wrote several weeks after the visit.
  6. Son Healed Of Cysts · Kim shares how her son was healed of cysts on the brain, verified by the medical profession.
  7. Trigmineal Neuralgia · Janet Polly is suddenly and miraculously healed of this painful disease by the Lord Jesus.
  8. Wheelchair Athlete Healed · William Kent, a wheelchair sport world-record holder, was was a paraplegic and blind in one eye. He also had other serious conditions due to his accident. After he turned back to the Lord – God healed him in a revival meeting! Includes the contact details of his doctor who confirms this.
  9. Brain Cancer Healed
  10. Breast Lump Vanishes
  11. Chronic Back Pain Healed
  12. Crippled Up Then Healed
  13. Enlarged Prostate Healed
  14. Healed Of Cancer ·
  15. Healed Of Diabetes
  16. Healed Of Leprosy And More
  17. Healed Of Scoliosis
  18. Heart Condition Healed
  19. Laverna Armistead
  20. Leg Lengthened
  21. Myelodysplastic Syndrome
  22. New Ligament Created
  23. Paraplegic Healed
  24. Progressive Recovery
  25. Rheumatic Fever
  26. Sinus And Emotional Problems
  27. Tumor Becomes Benign


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