Healed of Depression

When I was 38 I became ill. I went four days and nights without sleep. This was the second time in my life this had happened. This time I knew I needed help. I went the medical route first, I was diagnosed with depression. The Doctor gave me Zoloft, it didn’t help. I couldn’t take sleeping pills, I had tried them the first time and they had the opposite effect on me. The only thing that helped were drugs that relieved anxiety, but I was told they were very addictive. I also knew that the drugs covered up the real problem. I finally sought counselling. One of the first things the therapist said was I didn’t look or act depressed. He said it was anxiety. He asked me if I belived in GOD, I said yes. Then I thought to myself what does that mean? He told me about 1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

He told me when you really think about it you have no control over anything. He then told me that He was in a concentration camp in WWII and the only way He survived was by giving control to GOD! That sounded good to me, but I had no idea how to get to that point. A few months later I was at home and I had a sudden urge to read the Bible. I went to the chest in the hallway(that’s where I thought I had last seen it in one of my junk drawers)and right there on top was a little red gideon’s Bible(this part still brings tears to my eyes)! I began to read but, I had a little trouble understanding it all. I went to a Christian bookstore(my first time) and asked about study Bibles. I couldn’t belive the huge selection. I started to look thru and I saw the title Touchpoint Bible GOD’S word at your point of need. I read thru a few pages and ordered one for twenty dollars, in paperback! I had never paid that much for a book, but I needed it. It is the best book I have ever read! I can actually see the story happen before my eyes as I read. The feeling of peace that comes from reading GOD’S word and learning that He’s in control, amazed me.

Even before I started going to church on a regular basis the Bible was helping me. My husband was helping with our local church auction(as He always did)and got to be friends with the Pastor. He told me how much He liked the Pastor and they had some things in common. I replied that if he liked him maybe we should go to church more often. I bagan praying daily, GOD opened his arms and we felt his unconditional LOVE. When I fall back into my old patterns I remember my favorite scripture, Phillipians 4:6-7(NIV) Don’t worry about anything PRAY about everything. Tell GOD what you need and thank him for what He has done. If you do this you will experience GOD’S peace which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand.His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in CHRIST JESUS.

Since then he has answered my prayers many times and now I realize He was always there for me, and has given me everything when I didn’t deserve anything! Now I thank him everyday for what he has done for me. As a result of giving my Life over to JESUS I was Baptized by full emersion on June 27, 1999. I LOVE YOU JESUS,

Tracy J. Thurman
[email protected]

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