Healed of AIDS – testimony that stood the test of time





  Dear Brothers in Jesus-Christ, Greetings in the Lord.

I really thank God for the privilege He gives me today to share my Testimony with you. I’m really praying and hoping that my Testimony will strengthen you in the Lord and it will also encourage many more people around the world to keep on seeking the Lord JESUS-CHRIST and doing His Will.

My name is Jean-Pierre MAYALA, I’m 62 years old, African, from Congo Brazzaville Republic (Central-Africa). I had been living in West Germany before the reunification, in Munich during 12 years where the Lord Jesus comes into my life. Former AIDS patient, I was not a Christian. I was healed by an extraordinary way, personal spiritual experience, very miraculous on Sunday, August 19th, 1989 in Munich after praying along in my room. All medical tests for searching AIDS made some months later were negative. Actually, after 28 years, I’m in very good health.

In fact, I lived fast; I was a very worldly person. Every weekend I went in night clubs and pubs. I smoked, I trunk alcohol, music sex etc… I got many pornography video tapes and books. So, jogging along, I meet a drug addict German girl named Eva Gruner who infected me the AIDS virus. She hid her real drug addict identity. Then, started for me a sort of descent in the hell. I left Africa to Europe to study and work but in the end I was caught by AIDS virus. I was a worthless and a miserable person. In my distress I was planning to commit a suicide.

The Bible says: And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver you and you will glorify me. Psalm 50:15. I have never heard nor read that Verse before. Although my sin life didn’t glorify God, in my distress I cried out to God, I called upon Him in the night on Sunday, August 19th, 1989 at about 22h. And the Lord in His great Love, Goodness and Mercy showed me compassion and I thought to read the Bible for the first time asking God to heal me. So, I reached by chance the Psalm 19 without really understanding spiritually the true meaning of what I was reading. But when I got at the 13th verse: “Who knows his errors? Forgive me those that I don’t know“.

Suddenly, God opened up my spirit and my mind and I understood that this verse was speaking exactly about my sin life. The second part of that verse spoke about Divine forgiveness and I understood and realized clearly that God could also forgive my sin life. So, immediately I was completely upset within myself. Through that verse, I really got the Divine feeling that God Himself came down near me and spoke to me. Alleluia!

Being interpolated, I prayed my heart out, humbling myself, confessing my sins and begging God to perform a Miracle in my life. I also made a Vow to serve God, to work for Him, indeed, sincerely if He got me out from this terrible situation. (That Prayer was really the highest expression of my soul. In a deep Concentration and a great Inspiration I was pronouncing WORDS without control oneself. I was between life and death). And after that Prayer, I kept on reading the Psalms 20 and 21. Being tired, I closed the Bible, switched off the light and I tried to sleep. The Psalms 20 and 21 that I just read spoke justly of God hearing Prayers from His Throne, spoke of Divine Healing, Eternal Blessings, Eternal Life Crown, and Everlasting Life etc… I read all these Scriptures without really spiritually understanding them and I naturally didn’t even think or imagine that those Scriptures had to manifest in my Life that very night.

Shortly after, about 10 minutes after I closed the Bible I heard two voices. The first one was like one of an old lady speaking in German, making fun of me, saying that I was really caught by AIDS Virus, that the AIDS Test was positive, authentic and that I should die. She was very delighted about my sad situation. But, the second Voice by contrast was calm and mild, cheered me up, saying me to cling strongly to the 13th Verse I just read on the Psalm 19. The two voices were real. I really heard them, and they were in conflict in my Spirit and Mind. Surprised, I understood nothing.

Lying down on my bed, about 5 minutes after I heard two voices I felt that my body began changing. I felt bad. And suddenly, great sweat begun running down my face, a sort of liquid running violently out of my belly, and I felt that my legs were as cold as snowballs. Yet we were not in winter! I was not dreaming but totally conscious of all.

Being surprised of what I was feeling, I asked to myself what was going on with me. Trying to move to stand up, I loudly said in French: Je voulais dormir, mais je ne peux pas dormir dans cet etat! That means:  I wanted to sleep, but I can’t sleep like that!  I could still speak but I quickly realized that I couldn’t react against that bad feeling.  Lying down on my bed, I couldn’t move, I was totally paralyzed.


After that, extraordinarily I suddenly felt as if I was spiritually taken up.  And also strangely, curiously although the light was switched off in my room, in total darkness there

Firstly, suddenly appeared clearly in front of me two simple ARMS, moving slowly. Those two ARMS looked as if they were covered with white short. But curiously when I saw those two ARMS, I was not afraid but I got a feeling of great Joy and deep Peace rather.


Secondly, there suddenly appeared a CROWN between the two HANDS and that Crown was put on my head. That Crown was firmly fixed on my head so that it never falls down. The Word of God that I read (Psalms 19, 20 and 21) and I didn’t understand a few minutes before was becoming a reality in my life. “For you prevent him with the blessings of goodness. You set a CROWN of pure gold on his head”. Psalm 21: 3. Alleluia!


Thirdly, a blanket appeared between the two HANDS with which He covered me up from neck to feet. Strangely, all those operations were happening to me without a physical contact between me and the two HANDS. However, lying down on my bed, I was completely conscious, awaken.


Fourthly, when the two HANDS touched me for the first time on my shoulder, I got an extraordinarily marvelous feeling which I cannot express with human words, even not in my African mother tongue. What I can really say is that all those bad feelings (Sweat, Liquid running violently out of my belly, my Legs which were very cold, Paralysis), were cast out from me.

Those two HANDS that touched me on my shoulder, kept on touching me slowly from my shoulder to my feet. After that, those two ARMS came back and were suspended above my belly. And suddenly, strangely, a Voice spoke out in my mother tongue SEKAthat means: “Sleep now”. Just after, the two HANDS moved back of about two (2) meters and disappeared. And almost immediately, I slept soundly without taking some sleeping pills as I used to do the nights before.


When I wake up in the morning, on Monday, August 20th, 1989, still lying down on my bed, I was completely metamorphosed. Great was my surprise by realizing that all my cares, my illness, lake of peace and suicide feeling were all take away from me. The Bible says: “The Punishment that gives us peace fell upon Jesus-Christ and by His Stripes, we are healed“. Essay 53: 5. Although not being aware of it, the Word of God became a reality in my life.

From that morning on, the All Mighty God, the Creator became more than a reality in my life and I deeply knew and believed that He has visited me in that very night. I also deeply knew I was born again. Every thing was new. So, from that moment the Holy Spirit began working through me that I could not stop reading the Bible. The Lord Himself renewed my mind to such a point that I immediately understood spiritually the Gospel Message. I got rid of all that was not pure in my life by immediately stopping smoking, alcohol drinking and by systematically destroying all pornography video tapes and books. I also immediately stopped all my friendship which didn’t glorify the Lord. The Bible became my new and best Friend. Slowly but surely I grew up spiritually by God’s Grace.


However, the devil always tried through my mind to convince me that I was not healed, saying often to me it was only a dream. This spiritual attack was disturbing my faith. But I strongly knew and believed that I was completely cured because it was not a dream. The Divine visitation was real. God Himself through His Goodness came down near me. He visited me that night. And I asked myself: Who were I, to benefit of such an amazing Grace from God?   



But to be really physically satisfied to that point, a few weeks later, I came back to see the same doctor who detected in me that AIDS virus before. When I entered into the doctors’ office, he was surprised to see me this time in a good mood and with a Bible by hand. He asked me some questions and I told him briefly my story, saying that JESUS had healed me. He thought I went crazy. He was indeed incredulous. But in the end, by God’s Grace the AIDS test result was and still stays negative 28 years since. A few years later, I got married. My wife, my five (5) children and I are in very good health.

Meanwhile, I was a lonely Christian. I didn’t found a church where I could learn to know God better. But a few months later, directed by the Holy Spirit, I met by God’s Grace somebody who was very different by his manners from others Germans that I knew before in Munich. A certain Johannes Sempert, a young German Christian, filled with the Holy Spirit and born again (to whom for the first time I shared my Testimony) and through whom I found an awaking up Church in Munich called: The Charismatic Center of Munich where God helped me to grow up spiritually among German and American Pastors: Peter KIERNER, Uli MEIR, John ANGELINA and Steve DUN).

In December 1989, in the end of the Bible school in our church I was baptized by immersion by the main pastor Peter KIERNER.

Then, I set up a prayer group in my house (Hochstrasse 19b/307) in Munich. And by God’s Grace, I went everywhere in Germany (Munich, Nuremberg, and Frankfort) to serve my wonderful Savior Jesus-Christ by preaching and sharing my AIDS Testimony to everyone who wanted to hear me.

My last Sunday in a Church in Munich, pastor John ANGELINA prophesied and prayed for me in his new Church named Wort des Glaubens. And in September 1991, I left West Germany and came back home to Congo-Brazzaville for good. Then, God opened up Evangelization Doors for me and so, by God’s Grace, I begun a marvelous Christian Ministry for the glory of the Lord Jesus-Christ my Savior.


For the time being, started for me an unexpected way, a sort of wonderful ascension in my Ministry. I have been positioned as Congo national vice-President of Full-Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International. At the same period, I have managed as a secretary for the Full-Gospel Institution in Central-Africa region. I witnessed and served the Lord here in Congo-Brazzaville, RD Congo and South-Africa. I preached and I shared my Aids Testimony in many International Christian meetings as main speaker.


JESUS gave me Grace to please to God and to work now as Evangelist. So, with the help of the Holy Spirit, I helped many people to take decision to the Lord.

JESUS gave me also a Compassion Ministry for AIDS patients. So, a few years ago, I set up a prayer group especially for AIDS patients. And the Lord strongly confirmed His Word. “The Punishment that gives us peace fell upon Jesus-Christ and by His Stripes, we are healed“. Essay 53: 5.

 May God be praised forever and ever.

So, Brothers and Sisters around the world, after reading this AIDS Testimony, may the Holy Spirit help you to keep on seeking the Lord JESUS-CHRIST and doing His Will. May our God bless you abundantly, and “The PEACE of God which transcend all understanding, guard your heart and mind in JESUS-CHRIST, our Lord“.


Sincerely in His Name.

 Best regards.                                                                            Evangelist

Jean-Pierre MAYALA                                                                                                                                          


Contact: AGAPE-FORCE-MINISTRIES.                                         

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