Healed from Depression at the Brink of Suicide



Hello, My name is Dale Marie, I have enjoyed your web site. And I very much felt lead to share this story with you. I am somewhat a new Christian, although I was saved in 1988, I have come to know the Lord Jesus in a personal relationship in the past 4 years.

Most of my life has been a struggle with depression, I have tried to commit suicide so many times I lost count, I was addicted to prescription drugs and most of my days were filled with how I could kill myself. And each time I would try I would fail. I took as many as 150 aspirin to 50 pain killers at a time, but I would awake the next morning and be angry that I had failed, only to try again. To make a long story short, I was at the end of my rope so to speak, I had come in contact with a prescription drug that I knew this would be the one, I was tired of feeling all the hurt in my life, I didn't want to feel anymore.

I made one last attempt of calling out to God as I stood in the shower one morning. And pleading for him to help me, I felt something touch the top of my head and move over my entire body, and I felt a release of the depression, it was like the sun had come out. And I knew I was healed, I was on prozac at the time and the Lord told me to throw it out, I would not ever need that again. It has been 4 years and I am free of depression that plagued my life for nearly 20 years. I began sitting and praying in a quiet place, I wanted so much to see Jesus, to touch his hand and his hair, to be as close to him as I possibly could. As I sat one night in a quiet place, my mind was just on wanting to be near him. And as I sat there I could see him and my hand reaching to touch him, only to be told that I must first praise and worship him before coming to the throne. Being a new Christian I thought I had done something wrong. I didn't know about entering the throne room, I didn't know about giving our Lord praise and worship. But I soon learned that this was the way that the Lord wanted us to approach him.

I still remember how strong my will was to see him, and yes seeing him sitting there. From that moment on the Lord showed me many things, that it would take me more pages to write about them than just this one. My life was saved and I can't ever think of being without the Lord in my life, I would surely die without him.

God Bless you, 
Dale B.
[email protected]

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