Healed as a Baby – though not expected to live

I have a story that I really don’t remember, but it certainly has effected me for a long time to come. When I was born, I was almost a month premature. I was only about five pounds, but lost down to barely four. I had quite a few little things that made me sick, but the main problem was that I was born with a hole in my heart. The doctors told my parents that I wouldn’t live over a few weeks, and if I did, I wouldn’t live past seven or eight years old. My parents took me to a few heart doctors and got the same response from all of them. My parents have always been very spiritual, and faithful to GOD. They took me to the little country church, that they are still attending, and done as the bible says. They had everyone that knew how to pray to come and lay hands on me. They took me back to my next appointment, and when the doctor came out he told them that the hole had “grown up”. He may have thought it grew up, but me and my family know what really happened. I slightly surpassed the doctors guesses on how long I would live. I just turned twenty this past year, and I am proud to tell anyone and everyone how I am still alive. It goes to show how powerful God and prayer is, and how He can change things in an instant. I hope you continue to post stories, and I hope that your site is up for a long time to come. Gods love can only get sweeter and stonger. I also hope he will bless you for having such a wonderful site like this.


Allen Watts

Lomery Allen Watts

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