Grandmother fasts for a miracle for her grandson

I gave my heart to Christ when I was young and have
tried to live for Jesus all my life. For 28 years I had suffered with a disease that was gradually leaving me paralyzed. I went to the Full Gospel Prayer Mountain to pray earnestly for the salvation of my son. I had always prayed that my son would
come to the Lord, but until that time he was not
interested in the things of God.

Prior to this time I had received medical treatment
and acupuncture treatments for three months, but my
condition was no better. My family advised me to go to
the hospital. Instead, I decided to go to the prayer
mountain to fast and pray for ten days. During this
time God completely healed me of every trace of the
disease. How thankful I am for God’s matchless grace.

I had permitted my daughter, who was a good Christian, to marry a man who had promised to become a
Christian and live for God. However, within a few
months my daughter turned from the Lord due to the
influence of her husband. When they saw that God had
completely healed me of the paralysis, they both gave
their hearts and lives to Christ. My son-in-law went to
Bible college and after graduation went into the
pastoral ministry.

From the time my unsaved son’s boy was four years
old he had trouble with his kidneys, and at the age of
five he entered the hospital. The symptoms subsided for a time, but he suffered an acute attack at the age of
six. Only the medical skill of the doctors at the Inchon
hospital saved his life.

I suggested to my son that we take him to the Full
Gospel Prayer Mountain for fasting and prayer, but he
completely rejected my suggestion. He preferred to
trust modern medicine to heal his boy.

At the age of nine my grandson had another very
serious attack and was hospitalized at the Seoul
hospital. Dr. Hyp Gu Kim examined him and dis-
covered that the disease was nephritis. Under his
medical treatment the condition was much improved,
but at the age of ten another attack came, this one far
more serious than any previous attack due to the im-
munity to medication the boy had built up. The four
sieges in the hospital had drained all of my son’s finan-
cial resources, and his small business waned. There was
not enough money to pay for additional hospital ex-
pense, so they found a famous Chinese physician and
tried cautery using moxa (an Oriental medical treat-
ment) and acupuncture, as well as taking many
Chinese drugs. But all this also failed to cure the boy.
They watched and waited in despair as the boy’s lIfe
ebbed away. Both Eastern and Western medicine had
failed to cure the disease.

Unable to stand by silently any· longer, I told them
that our human power could not heal him and only as
we would trust and depend upon our heavenly Father
could we receive the victory. I suggested again that we
go to the prayer mountain to fast and pray and rely on
Jesus. They had spent a lot of money on doctors and
medicine and even sold their property in order to pay
for the medical expense and hospitalizations, but still
they would not consider taking the boy to the prayer

During the next few months, the boy had five more
attacks. Each time they tried all the home remedies
they could think of with little or no positive results.
One day my son called and asked me to come over to
his house. When I arrived, in despair, they told me that
they had tried everything and had given up. Then they
said, “Mother, do as you want with him.”

Just as Pharaoh let the children of Israel go worship
God after ten plagues, so after all these disap-
pointments my children finally committed the healing
of their son to the Lord. My prayers that God would
make my son realize his stubborn ways were answered.
When we arrived at the prayer mountain, they did
not want to register us because there seemed no hope
of my grandson living and his father was not with us.
However, I insisted and made a statement that I would
assume all responsibility for the boy if he should die.
He had not eaten or even tasted anything for several
days. His body was badly swollen and he could not
pass any urine. It seemed as though he would die, so I
pleaded to be allowed to remain at the prayer mountain.

As I came before God, I thought of the centurion
who by faith told the Master that He needed only to
speak the word. Every time I thought about my dying
grandson, I dropped my head and wept. I prayed over
and over again, “Lord, if this grandmother dies, I die,
but deliver my grandson’s life.” I earnestly prayed to
exchange my life for the life of my grandson.

As we were praying, we noticed that little by little he
began to improve and started to pass urine. While I
fasted and prayed for 24 days, my grandson fasted two
meals every four days. Day by day his condition improved until finally the healing was complete. God had
performed a miracle!

Later when I went to the hospital to get a medical
certificate, they would not give me one because they
said there was no need for a certificate as he was
perfectly well. The hospital has medical proof of my
grandson’s healing. He is free from seven years of
sickness and now able to grow up as a normal child.
Today he is attending school and doing well.

Whenever we play together as a family, I think of days
past and I thank God again for His healing power.
One day Rev. Choi asked me about my grandson. I
quickly answered that God had completely healed him
and he was doing well in school. “Hallelujah!” she said
as she grasped my hand. “Thank the Lord for answer-
ing prayer as He answered Hannah’s prayer. It is
because of the great grace and blessing of God. Why
not thank Him?”

I want to give all the glory to our Lord Jesus Christ!

-Yang Mo Kim

279-24 Sadang Dong, Kwang Ku

Seoul, Korea

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