Gold Dust from Heaven

I was recently (at the time of original posting in 2000) privileged by God to see signs and wonders the like of which I have not experienced before in my life as a Christian. It seems that the Lord is now doing very unusual things which simply don’t have any physical explanation.

What I am about to share I witnessed with my own eyes, together with many hundreds of other Christians jammed into the church hall of Holy Trinity Anglican church, Brussels, in a meeting organised by Pastor Raymond Vanderput of CCB.

We first heard from a lady who was a leader of a movement of intecessors in Brazil. Apparently God used her to start a revival in a part of Brazil. There are over 200,000 people listening to her weekly radio broadcast and it is just one of the things God is using in a nationwide revival in the land of Brazil, where it is now estimated that 35% of the population has turned to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. This has happened because of the way God is answering the prayers of multiplied millions who cry out to him day and night in that country.

Another lady, Silvana, testified of how God helped her. She was terribly sick for 12 years, with cancer of the blood and numerous other horrible conditions. Her body was already entering into putrefaction in parts, no one could stand the smell. Yet somehow she remained alive in this condition for some time. Finally someone told her about Jesus and told her to get down to an evangelical church where they would pray for her. She did this, and was anointed with oil in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Not only was she totally healed and given new internal organs, but also God began to do very strange signs and wonders through her body. We watched in amazement as suddenly she shook her hair and a cloud of gold dust came down. This was not some cheap trick though – it happens in Brazil and in many places around the world. The gold has been analyzed by chemists to be a mixture of 24 karat gold and platinum. I have some of this gold dust on the pages of my English Bible at Psalm 150. Many others got little samples of this gold dust.

There was no specific prayer for the sick in that meeting. Yet I have heard of many people being healed at that time, including a friend of mine, an English missionary pastor, John Jupe, who I prayed for previously for the healing of his knee. Although he told me it got better after I prayed for him, it wasn’t until that night that his knee was completely healed and he is now walking long distances without pain – something he was previously unable to do.

Also, one Belgian pastor, who I understand was not particularly believing concerning these manifestations of gold dust though he saw it along with the rest of us, was surprised by God when he got home. As he looked in his bathroom mirror he noticed a glint of something in his mouth. Upon closer inspection, he was surprised to find that God had given him some gold fillings (there were three if I remember correctly) during the meeting which simply were not there before.

I had heard reports of things like this happening in Argentina and places like that, but here it was happening in Belgium (!), a land which, sadly, is full of atheism and unbelief.

This wasn’t all. Silvana prayed and anointed many of us with oil, and I have seen that this gold dust has started appearing on the faces of a number of us from time to time, without any warning. The day after the meeting, having taken a thorough shower in the morning, it appeared spontaneously on my face while at work the next day (I am working as a computer consultant at the time of writing). This manifestation was pointed out to me at work by a female colleague who happens to be an atheist, and it gave me a good opportunity to talk about Jesus to a few colleagues. I also saw this gold dust on the faces of a couple of pastors at various times – even last night (29th May, 1999) on the face of a young Romanian man leading an all-night prayer meeting I attended. So wonders never cease …

It may seem odd, bizarre and strange, but God is doing things like this in our times to draw attention to Jesus Christ. My prayer for all my readers is that they will seek after Jesus Christ and his kingdom in these last days, and fully put their trust in Him.

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