Hebrews 10:14 For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified.
This Scripture refers to a great mystery. It relates to what Jesus Christ of Nazareth achieved by dying on the cross. This is the “one offering” spoken of here.
The Scriptures give many “past tense” declarations concerning things which until now have not been manifested. We don’t see Christians behaving pefectly, walking with God perfectly. And yet, there is a sense in which we are acceptable to God as if we were perfect AS LONG AS WE ARE BEING SANCTIFIED.
This Scripture gives assurance of salvation then to repentant Christians who are on the journey of embracing the change that Christ enjoins. Its a great comfort for us to know that as long as we are on this journey of progressive sanctification by the Spirit, we can count ourselves amongst those who have been “perfected forever” by the blood of Jesus. Of course, if we cease to embrace sanctification by the Spirit, it does call into serious question whether we can lay claim to the promises of God regarding justification and acceptance with God.
As we surrender to the leading of the Spirit, and bear good fruit in accordance with God’s Will, as revealed in the Scripture, we can move forward confidently knowing that our Holy God has been satisfied concerning us by the perfect offering of the Blood of the Son of God.